Smith: ‘Support Common Sense Labor Reforms’

Member Group : News Releases

For Immediate Release
Contact: Megan Piwowar, Communications Director
412-265-4632 or [email protected]


PITTSBURGH – Tom Smith, candidate for United States Senate, today called on Senator Bob Casey Jr. to support the common sense labor reforms expressed in S. 3221, the Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees (RAISE) Act:

"As a former member of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), I support this common sense labor reform that will increase the rights of union workers, and I hope Senator Casey will join me," said Smith. "As an employer, I know the RAISE Act will empower American employees to earn compensation they deserve, something that has been thwarted by the board of unelected bureaucrats at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to date, and some labor leaders favoring partisan politics over job creation. Every American worker deserves an equal opportunity to be rewarded for their hard work and success."


The RAISE Act would amend NLRB rules that allow union bosses to prohibit merit based raises. "Sen. Marco Rubio… proposed legislation on Thursday that would amend rules issued by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that put limits on merit pay for union members." ("Rubio looks to amend NLRB rules on merit pay," The Hill, 4/27/11)

NLRB rules prohibit merit based raises as "direct dealing." "Unions have actually fought bonuses awarded to their own "bonuses constituted an illegal "direct dealing" with the workers, which was forbidden under collective bargaining law." ("For Employees, It’s Time for RAISE," Heritage Action, 8/30/11)

"It may be surprising, but few unions allow individual raises. They prefer uniform group rates." ("Removing Union Wage Ceilings," National Review, 4/19/12)

The RAISE Act is not anti-union legislation. "The RAISE Act would not undermine the original purpose of unions, nor would it allow employers from unfairly rewarding non-union workers with raises just to punish union workers. It is not union busting, it simply allows exceptional employees to be compensated as such." ("For Employees, It’s Time for RAISE," Heritage Action, 8/30/11)