2009 Pennsylvania Township Supervisor Survey: Response Summary
Total Started Survey: 185
Total Completed Survey: 174 (94.1%)
1. What is the range of your township’s fiscal year 2008 general fund budget?
answered question | 182 | |
skipped question | 3 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Less than $100,000 | 4.4% | 8 |
$101,000 to $250,000 | 8.8% | 16 |
$251,000 to $500,000 | 17.6% | 32 |
$501,000 – $1 million | 23.6% | 43 |
$1 to $5 million | 38.5% | 70 |
$5 to $10 million | 4.4% | 8 |
$10 million to $15 million | 1.6% | 3 |
Over $15 million | 1.1% | 2 |
2. During your tenure in office has your township budget increased, decreased, or stayed about the same?
answered question | 182 | |
skipped question | 3 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Increased | 69.8% | 127 |
Decreased | 4.9% | 9 |
Stayed About the Same | 25.3% | 46 |
3. During your tenure in office, have your township’s tax rates increased, decreated or stayed about the same?
answered question | 183 | |
skipped question | 2 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Increased | 42.1% | 77 |
Decreased | 7.7% | 14 |
Stayed About the Same | 50.3% | 92 |
4. If the General Assembly were to enact legislation to enable townships to implement or raise other taxes to lower property taxes, which tax would be your preferred tax to impose or raise?
answered question | 182 | |
skipped question | 3 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Earned Income Tax | 47.3% | 86 |
Sales Tax | 36.3% | 66 |
Mercantile Tax | 4.4% | 8 |
Business Privilege Tax | 5.5% | 10 |
View * | 6.6% | 12 |
5. What percentage of your township’s revenue is generated from property taxes?
answered question | 181 | |
skipped question | 4 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Under 50% | 75.1% | 136 |
51%-60% | 11.6% | 21 |
61%-70% | 4.4% | 8 |
71%-80% | 2.8% | 5 |
81-90% | 5.5% | 10 |
91%-100% | 0.6% | 1 |
6. How long have you served as a township official?
answered question | 180 | |
skipped question | 5 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Less than 6 years | 33.3% | 60 |
6-12 years | 23.3% | 42 |
More than 12 years | 43.3% | 78 |
7. To what political party do you belong?
answered question | 175 | |
skipped question | 10 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Republican | 66.9% | 117 |
Democrat | 29.1% | 51 |
Other/Independent | 4.0% | 7 |
8. What is the range of your earnings as an elected township official?
answered question | 160 | |
skipped question | 25 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Less than $2,000 | 55.0% | 88 |
$2,000 to $2,999 | 18.1% | 29 |
$3,000 to $3,999 | 5.6% | 9 |
$4,000 to $4,999 | 1.9% | 3 |
$5,000 or more | 19.4% | 31 |
9. What is the population of your township?
answered question | 181 | ||
skipped question | 4 | ||
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Less than 2,000 | 26.5% | 48 | |
2,000 to 5,000 | 42.0% | 76 | |
5,000 to 10,000 | 17.1% | 31 | |
10,000 to 15,000 | 13.3% | 24 | |
15,000 to 25,000 | 1.1% | 2 | |
25,000 to 35,000 | 0.0% | 0 | |
35,000 to 50,000 | 0.0% | 0 | |
Over 50,000 | 0.0% | 0 |
10. Estimate the square miles of your township?
answered question | 165 | |
skipped question | 20 | |
Response Count |
165 | |
View * |
11. How would you best describe your township?
answered question | 182 | |
skipped question | 3 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Predominantly Rural | 61.5% | 112 |
Predominantly Residential | 14.8% | 27 |
Predominantly Commercial | 1.6% | 3 |
Balanced Mix of Rural/Residential/Commercial | 22.0% | 40 |
1. Do you think Pennsylvania has too many municipalities?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 17.4% | 30 |
No | 72.1% | 124 |
No Opinion | 10.5% | 18 |
2. Do you think the number of townships in Pennsylvania should be reduced?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 14.0% | 24 |
No | 76.7% | 132 |
No Opinion | 9.3% | 16 |
3. Would you be willing to merge your municipality with a neighboring municipality?
answered question | 171 | |
skipped question | 14 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 29.8% | 51 |
No | 60.8% | 104 |
No Opinion | 9.4% | 16 |
4. Would you be willing to merge your municipality with a neighboring municipality if such a merger resulted in higher taxes?
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 2.9% | 5 |
No | 90.8% | 157 |
No Opinion | 6.4% | 11 |
5. Do you think municipal mergers should be mandated at the state level, or should merge decisions require voter approval in the affected municipalities?
answered question | 171 | |
skipped question | 14 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
State Mandate | 2.9% | 5 |
Voter Approval | 90.1% | 154 |
View Other | 7.0% | 12 |
6. In your opinion, why are cities in Pennsylvania losing population while townships are gaining population? (You may select more than one answer.)
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Crime | 79.8% | 138 |
High Taxes | 72.3% | 125 |
Poor Schools | 60.7% | 105 |
Traffic/Congestion | 69.4% | 120 |
Don’t Like Urban Lifestyle | 45.1% | 78 |
Municipal Services | 27.7% | 48 |
View Other | 12.1% | 21 |
7. Do you favor increased state or county taxes to provide additional revenue to cities that are losing population?
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 3.5% | 6 |
No | 89.0% | 154 |
No Opinion | 7.5% | 13 |
8. In your opinion, how important is the school system when people are deciding where to live?
answered question | 173 | ||
skipped question | 12 | ||
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Very Important | 74.0% | 128 | |
Somewhat Important | 25.4% | 44 | |
Somewhat Unimportant | 0.0% | 0 | |
Very Unimportant | 0.6% | 1 |
9. Do you favor the current system smaller school districts; or would you favor larger school districtsorganized at the county level?
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Smaller Districts | 64.7% | 112 |
Countywide School Districts | 25.4% | 44 |
No Opinion | 9.8% | 17 |
10. Do you think local taxes should continue to be collected by municipal tax collectors, be collected at the county level or be collected by a private firm?
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Local Tax Collectors | 72.8% | 126 |
County Level | 16.8% | 29 |
Private Firm | 5.8% | 10 |
View * | 4.6% | 8 |
11. Should distressed municipalities be mandated by the state to merge with another municipality?
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 19.1% | 33 |
No | 61.8% | 107 |
No Opinion | 19.1% | 33 |
12. Should county government take control of a distressed municipality?
answered question | 171 | |
skipped question | 14 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 18.7% | 32 |
No | 66.1% | 113 |
No Opinion | 15.2% | 26 |
13. Do you favor increasing county property taxes to pay for the cost of rescuing a distressed municipality?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 5.2% | 9 |
No | 91.3% | 157 |
No Opinion | 3.5% | 6 |
14. Should services such as fire or police be regionalized?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 53.5% | 92 |
No | 36.0% | 62 |
No Opinion | 10.5% | 18 |
15. How does your township provide for police services:
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Have Own Department | 39.9% | 69 |
Participate in Regional Force | 4.0% | 7 |
State Police | 56.1% | 97 |
16. If your township relies on state police for police services, what would you do if the state imposes a per capita fee for those townships without municipal police service?
answered question | 118 | |
skipped question | 67 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Form Own Department | 5.1% | 6 |
Join Regional Police | 30.5% | 36 |
Pay the Fee | 64.4% | 76 |
17. Do you think the regionalization or services and/or the consolidation of municipalities via merger will result in cost efficiencies and lower taxes?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 22.1% | 38 |
No | 67.4% | 116 |
No Opinion | 10.5% | 18 |
18. Has your township had to reduce services in order to keep on budget and avoid raising taxes?
answered question | 171 | ||
skipped question | 14 | ||
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 25.7% | 44 | |
No | 74.3% | 127 | |
Don’t Know | 0.0% | 0 |
19. Does your township have a "rainy day" or contingency fund?
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 67.6% | 117 |
No | 31.2% | 54 |
Don’t Know | 1.2% | 2 |
20. What is the biggest problem facing your township?
answered question | 167 | |
skipped question | 18 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Low Commercial Tax Base | 20.4% | 34 |
Aging Infrastructure | 9.6% | 16 |
Affordable Housing | 5.4% | 9 |
Lack of Medical Facilities | 1.2% | 2 |
Emergency Medical Services | 1.2% | 2 |
Sprawl | 7.8% | 13 |
Roadway Conditions/Traffic Problems | 33.5% | 56 |
Trash Collection/Disposal | 0.6% | 1 |
Law Enforcement/Police Protection | 3.6% | 6 |
Lack of Parks/Recreational Activities | 1.2% | 2 |
Concentrated Animal Feeding (CAFOs) | 0.0% | 0 |
View * | 15.6% | 26 |
21. Is open space preservation a high priority in your township?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 51.2% | 88 |
No | 40.7% | 70 |
No Opinion | 8.1% | 14 |
22. During your tenure how would you describe business growth in your township?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Significant Decline | 1.7% | 3 |
Some Decline | 7.0% | 12 |
No Change | 39.5% | 68 |
Some Growth | 39.5% | 68 |
Significant Growth | 12.2% | 21 |
23. If your township experienced residential, commercial or industrical growth during your tenure in office what would you say is the biggest problem associated with that growth?
answered question | 143 | |
skipped question | 42 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Traffic | 42.7% | 61 |
Crime | 3.5% | 5 |
Flooding/Run-Off | 14.0% | 20 |
Sewage | 21.7% | 31 |
Trash Collection/Disposal | 0.7% | 1 |
View * | 17.5% | 25 |
24. If bringing new business to your township is a high priority, what type of business would you like to see developed?
answered question | 153 | |
skipped question | 32 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Manufacturing | 35.9% | 55 |
Retail | 13.7% | 21 |
Tourism | 7.2% | 11 |
Office | 9.8% | 15 |
Service/Technology | 24.8% | 38 |
View * | 8.5% | 13 |
25. Does your township have any inter-municipal agreements or inter-municipal authorities?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 85.5% | 147 |
No | 14.5% | 25 |
26. If your township does have inter-municipal agreements, how would your rate their effectiveness?
answered question | 148 | ||
skipped question | 37 | ||
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Very Effective | 58.8% | 87 | |
Somewhat Effective | 37.2% | 55 | |
Not Very Effective | 4.1% | 6 | |
Very Ineffective | 0.0% | 0 |
27. Do you favor having your township enter into inter-municipal agreements?
answered question | 168 | |
skipped question | 17 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 89.3% | 150 |
No | 10.7% | 18 |
28. If you favor inter-municipal agreements for your township, which type do you think would be most beneficial?
answered question | 160 | |
skipped question | 25 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Police | 20.0% | 32 |
Sewer | 17.5% | 28 |
Planning & Zoning | 18.1% | 29 |
Highway | 14.4% | 23 |
Purchasing | 20.6% | 33 |
View * | 9.4% | 15 |
29. Does your township have a comprehensive plan?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 84.3% | 145 |
No | 15.7% | 27 |
30. If YES, how old is your comprehensive plan?
answered question | 146 | |
skipped question | 39 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
0 – 5 Years | 53.4% | 78 |
5-10 Years | 22.6% | 33 |
Over 10 Years | 24.0% | 35 |
31. Do you believe your township’s zoning ordinances are adequate and up-to-date?
answered question | 156 | |
skipped question | 29 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Yes | 73.7% | 115 |
No | 26.3% | 41 |
32. What percentage of your township’s land mass would you estimate is developed, either residential or commercial?
answered question | 172 | |
skipped question | 13 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
0-20% | 30.2% | 52 |
20% – 40% | 42.4% | 73 |
40% – 60% | 19.2% | 33 |
Over 60% | 8.1% | 14 |
33. Do you favor or oppose county government taking control of land use, planning and zoning in your township?
answered question | 173 | |
skipped question | 12 | |
Response Percent |
Response Count |
Strongly Favor | 4.6% | 8 |
Somewhat Favor | 12.7% | 22 |
Somewhat Oppose | 13.3% | 23 |
Strongly Oppose | 69.4% | 120 |
34. Please provide us with any additional comments your would care to make on these or any other issues affecting township government in Pennsylvania/
answered question | 53 | |
skipped question | 132 | |
Response Count |
View * | 53 |
* Please view the other responses at [L]https://www.lincolninstitute.org/archives/surveys/2009TwpSup.php[EL]