A Stroll Through the Annals of PA Political Corruption: Budd Dwyer, Rob McCord, Barbara Hafer

Member Group : PA Political Digest

Episode 4: Pa Treasurer Budd Dwyer eats his gun so family gets his pension + more troubles for other PA Row Officers

Pa. Treasurer Budd Dwyer killed himself (ate his gun) during a press conference the day before he was to be sentenced on his bribery conviction. That way his wife, his widow, could still get his $1 million+ state pension.

Plus three other state “Row Officers” got in trouble for what they did in office and out: Treasurer Rob McCord, who went from Harvard to teaching yoga, and Barbara “The Hafe” Hafer who lied to the Feds, plus Auditor General Al Benedict.

Lost in all the controversy about Dwyer’s guilt was the fact that he was quite an accomplished politician. Hailing from tiny Crawford County in the “great NW” part of the state, voters elected him to state-wide office when he was just 41. And he had already served 3 terms in the state House and was in his third term in the state Senate.

To Listen Click Here: https://play.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/27691989/height/192/theme/modern/size/large/thumbnail/yes/custom-color/877781/time-start/00:00:00/hide-playlist/yes/download/yes