ACTION of PA Focuses on Christian Values
For Immediate Release
September 15, 2011
Deborah Hamilton, Hamilton Strategies, 215.815.7716, 610.584.1096, [email protected]
ACTION of PA focuses on Christian Values, Helps Conservatives to Office
Statewide organization formed to include existing Action groups, seeking additional counties
West Chester, Pa.—After its recent formation, the statewide organization called ACTION of PA, or Americans For Christian Traditions In Our Nation , will work to engage Pennsylvanians in the issues that affect the state. ACTION organizations have been in existence in various counties for many years across Pennsylvania, including Lancaster, York, Chester and Adams.
While the county chapters will remain intact, the statewide organization unites and streamlines the efforts of those working to help elect candidates with Christian values to office, and all chapters now make up ACTION of PA . This main goal of the organization, pursuing conservative values and assisting to help elect conservatives to office, will become even more focused as election season approaches and efforts increase for 2012.
ACTION of PA will bring to light where candidates stand on issues ranging from budgets and spending to education and government reform and, where applicable, what candidates’ voting records have been.
As one of the first orders of business, ACTION of PA is urging U.S. Sen. Bob Casey to co-sponsor and vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
ACTION of PA encourages Pennsylvanians to become more involved in state issues and gives them the tools to do so on its web site at . Included online are links to local chapters, partnerships with family-oriented radio programming, news about political action and voting, updates about ACTION of PA’s projects, and a newsletter sign-up.
For more information on ACTION of PA, visit or email Gwenne Alexander at [email protected] .
To interview a representative from ACTION of PA, contact Deborah Hamilton at [email protected], 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.
ACTION of PA, or Americans For Christian Traditions In Our Nation, is an organization that focuses on electing conservatives to office. With four chapters in Lancaster, Chester, York and Adams counties, ACTION of PA engages people to become more involved in politics at the local, state and federal levels, and encourages debate on issues affecting every Pennsylvanian and American.
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