ACTION of PA Plans Liberty Breakfast
ACTION Breakfast
Plan to attend the ACTION Breakfast on Saturday
Oct. 25 to meet candidates and hear about issues from a conservative view.
Oct 25
Penn Oaks
Golf Club
150 Penn Oaks Dr.
West Chester 19382
8:45 -10:45 am
Voter Registration Sunday
Sept. 28
Our freedoms and our continued prosperity depend on the involvement of our citizens. Too many Christians sit back and watch the political process. Many even complain but most are too busy to get involved.
ACTION of PA wants to make it easy for Christians to be informed and voting.
Would you please consider setting up a table (with your church’s permission) on Sunday Sept. 28 for the purpose of registering voters and handing out information?
ACTION has a very informative comparison piece that has been reviewed by attorneys as acceptable to be distributed in churches. Please contact us at 484-999-7551 and let us know how many comparison pieces you could distribute.
When you look at the Declaration of Independence, one signature stands out. It is large and legible. It is the signature of John Hancock. It’s been told that John Hancock wanted his signature to be so clear and large that King George could read it even without his spectacles.
By signing the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock and the other 56 signers put their lives on the line risking everything. Our founding fathers were willing to risk everything.
Time to Pray
Are you willing to take some time to pray?
1Timothy 2:1-4 says we should pray for all who are in authority.
We encourage you to host a prayer time in your home. You could invite people from your church, some neighbors or family. Matthew 18:20 says: For where two to three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Please contact Barb Proto for details. Let us know that you are getting a group together for prayer and we’ll send you some prayer requests especially pertaining to this upcoming election.
Barb Proto
[email protected]
What is the Value of Liberty?
What is liberty worth to you? As you look back over the years, you can see our freedoms being eroded. It seems today they are fading away at lightning speed. Economic freedom is declining with taxes increases at alarming rates. The Index of Economic Freedom has, for the first time, dropped our country’s rating to "mostly free."
Ronald Reagan:
"If we look to the answer as to why for so many years we achieved so much, prospered as no other people on earth, it was because here in this land we unleashed the energy and individual genius of man to a greater extent than has ever been done before. Freedom and dignity of the individual have been more available and assured here than in any other place on earth. The price for this freedom at times has been high, but we have never been unwilling to pay that price. It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government."
Have we come to a time in our country’s history when we say the price is too high or have we just become complacent?
Democrats are using tactics to suppress voter turnout. We need your help!
Christian conservatives are notorious for not showing up on Election Day. ACTION has begun programs to inform and encourage Christians.
ACTION has an informative comparison on the two candidates for Governor. The comparison easily shows voters where the candidates stand on issues. This comparison can be distributed in churches. It does not endorse any candidate. It only shows where they stand on the issues. If you could distribute some of these comparisons to people in your church or to friends or family, please contact ACTION at 484-999-7551. Let us know how many you need.
ACTION needs your help to make phone calls to voters. We need to let voters know where the candidates stand on the issues and encourage them to vote. Would you be willing to make a few phone calls each week to help Christians to be informed? Please contact us at 484-999-7551. We need your help! Time is growing short and we need many volunteers!
Last Week’s Press Release:
Who Is Behind Wolf?
You have probably seen an ad with some people standing around a jeep talking about Tom Wolf. Remember the guy that says Wolf was in the Peace Corps? Well, he is an actor. But wait til you hear what kind of actor! He starred in a movie called "Breeding Farm" but don’t go watch it! It is a terrible sadistic movie that has been labeled ‘torture porn.’
Is this the kind of people Wolf has surrounding him? Should a candidate running for governor have a porn star in his commercial? A grisly description of the movie talks about rape, cannibalism and worse.
ACTION of PA is appalled and so disgusted that political campaigns have come to an all time low. And even worse, will people even care about those with whom a candidate associates?
ACTION of PA has endorsed Tom Corbett. Tom Corbett erased a $4.2 billion deficit without raising taxes; he has shrunk our state government to the smallest size in 50 years; he has made education a priority, spending more on education than any other Governor in PA and he did not allow any tax dollars to pay for abortions.
Tom Corbett has served his country honorably. Because he had a love for his country and a love for Pennsylvania, he served in the PA National Guard from 1971 to 1984 starting as a private then moving upward to captain. It is clear that Governor Corbett is a man of his word, refusing to raise taxes, and passing 4 balanced budgets. It is clearly evident that Tom Corbett loves his wife and family.
We deplore the tactics used by Wolf, lying about Corbett’s priority on education and using porn stars in his ad.
Mr. Wolf, take down this ad! The actor in your ad shows where the real War on Women is!
[Note: The ad has either been pulled or edited without Mr. Benyak, the actor.]
We need your financial support!
Click Here to Donate
ACTION continues to fight for life, religious liberty and the proper role of government.
Contact us at 484-999-7551
or send an email to: [email protected]
• Want to become more involved? Want to learn how you can keep your church informed? Call us at 484-999-7551.
How To Contact Us
The goal of ACTION is to empower Christians with information and education to ensure that men and women of character are elected to positions from the lowest level to the Governor’s mansion.
ACTION allows members through relatively small donations to have a powerful voice in the political process. Your donation today will help us to inform and educate Christians. A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated.
Click here to make a secure donation or
checks can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 7
Wellsville, PA 17365
ACTION staff
ACTION of PA, Chester County Chapter
Paid for by ACTION of PA
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ACTION of PA, Chester County Chapter | P.O. Box 2465 | West Chester | PA | 19380