AFP Applauds Corbett Health Care Exchange Decision
Harrisburg, PA–Today Americans for Prosperity – Pennsylvania (AFP-PA) – the Commonwealth’s leading voice for health care freedom and critic of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – released the following statement regarding the decision of Governor Corbett to reject a state-based health insurance exchange:
"AFP applauds Governor Corbett for rejecting a health insurance exchange in the state of Pennsylvania and protecting our working families" said Jennifer Stefano, Pennsylvania state director of Americans for Prosperity. "On behalf of our more than 120,000 activists, and, most importantly, our children, we thank the Governor for standing strong against the President’s intrusive and burdensome healthcare law."
Stefano continued: "We are especially grateful to our activists, fellow grassroots leaders and coalition partners for their sustained effort to engage and educate lawmakers on the dangers of a state exchange and for creating the conditions needed for Governor Corbett to make a bold stand. We also thank the legislators, led by Rep. Gordon Denlinger, who publicly and privately urged the Governor to do the right thing."
Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania’s activists have led the charge against setting up a state or state/federal healthcare exchange in Pennsylvania. In the past two weeks, activists have made more than 20,000 calls into Capitol to urge the Governor and the General assembly to allow the federal government to set up the exchange.
In 2012, AFP-PA was the first organization to publicly oppose a state based exchange and launched a massive year long effort to fight it. The organization hosted more than 200 seminars state wide to educate and activate citizens on the issue. In October, more than 500 activists rallied in the Rotunda to urge Governor Corbett and the General Assembly not to implement the exchange.
More than twenty governors have announced that they will not create an exchange. This list now includes Terry Branstad (IA), Mike Pence (IN), Dave Heineman (NE), Paul LePage (ME) Robert Bentley (AL), Bobby Jindal (LA), Sam Brownback (KS), Rick Perry (TX), Nikki Haley (SC), Nathan Deal (GA), Robert McDonnell (VA), Jay Nixon (MO) and others. AFP supports these Governors.
"Many governors joined together to send a strong message to Washington" Stefano continued. "AFP commends Governor Corbett for his leadership in protecting the Keystone State."
The federal government is offering unlimited grants to states to create an exchange between now and the end of 2014. All exchanges must be self-funding starting in 2015. Each governor must notify the federal government by Friday, December 14, 2012, of his or her decision whether to create a state-based health insurance exchange, defer to the federal government or partner on a hybrid-exchange.
"Federal funds are flowing freely to buy state compliance, but state budgets will take the hit in two short years. Governor Corbett showed real leadership in rejecting these temporary funds." Explained Stefano. "Creating an exchange puts state taxpayers on the hook for millions of dollars every year. States should reject these bloated bureaucracies."
For more information or to speak with Jennifer Stefano, [email protected].
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen-leaders committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and intrusiveness of government is the best way to promote individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. For more information, visit