Behind the Headlines Program Schedule: Weeks of July 13, 20 and 27
BEHIND THE HEADLINES is a television production of The Susquehanna Valley
Center for Public Policy
For the weeks of July 13, 20, 27: The rights of the states and the ever-increasing arm and power of the federal government is discussed with State Representative Sam Rohrer. Also, Sherry Knowlton of AmeriHealth Mercy, discusses proposed changes to the Medicaid program that could have a major impact on the healthcare safety net for 1.2 million Pennsylvanians who are enrolled in the Medicaid program. Charlie Greenawalt and Maura Donley co-host.
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BEHIND THE HEADLINES is underwritten in part by the following:
Pennsylvania Business Council
Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association
Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors
American Home Bank
Daily Express
Highway Equipment and Supply Company
The Warrell Corporation
For a complete listing of the cable systems across Pennsylvania airing the program visit: