CAP Takes on Striking Neshaminy Teachers
06.11.12: Just in time to interrupt vacation plans, the teachers’ union of the Neshaminy School District went on strike for a second time this year effecting over 9000 children and their families.
The teachers union’s extreme demands include retroactive raises for the last four years, back pay and they only want to pay 8 percent of their health insurance costs (right now they pay nothing).
According to Taxpayers for a Fair Neshaminy School District Budget, the teachers at Neshaminy received the highest compensation in the state (you should check out the research the Taxpayer group put together, it’s disturbing). In exchange for this "generosity", the district has dropped from 153rd to 245th in the state according to PSSA scores over the last decade.
Pennsylvania is only one of thirteen states that allow teachers to strike. Unfortunately, we also lead the nation in the number of strikes by a wide margin on a regular basis.
Enough is enough.
Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania purchased advertising space in today’s Bucks County Courier Times. We are publishing the salary and benefit cost information for every teacher in the district. Now their neighbors can see just how "unfairly" the teachers are being treated. Keep in mind when you look at the salaries that according to the teachers’ contract, they only work 1319.5 hours per year. The average full time employee works 2,000 hours per year (assuming a two week vacation).
If you’re curious about your own school district, our friends at the Commonwealth Foundation built a great website that can help you determine salaries and district performance compared to other schools across the state.
A copy of the advertisement can be seen here [L][EL].
Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania (CAP) is a non-profit organization founded to raise the standard of living of all Pennsylvanians by restoring limited government, economic freedom, and personal responsibility. By empowering the Commonwealth’s employers and taxpayers to break state government’s "Iron Triangle" of career politicians, bureaucrats, and Big Government lobbyists, this restoration will occur and Pennsylvania will prosper.