Casey Can’t Be Pro-Life and Pro-Planned Parenthood
Sen. Casey Can’t Be Pro-Life and Pro-Planned Parenthood
By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
[email protected]
U.S. Senator Bob Casey tries to make the case that casting a vote against a Planned Parenthood defunding amendment shows him to be pro-life. The mental gymnastics required for this audacious statement are truly mind-boggling.
Maria Gallagher
Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation, receives more than a half-billion hard-earned taxpayer dollars each year. Any organization that garners that much in taxpayer revenue should be under scrutiny. But when that organization’s high-ranking doctors are caught on camera blithely discussing the harvesting of baby body parts while dining on salad and imbibing wine…haggling over the price of baby organs while talking about dreams of Lamborghinis…and discussing altering abortion procedures to procure intact hearts, livers, and brains…wouldn’t you think twice about giving the giant non-profit more money? Especially if you say you’re pro-life?
The undercover videos of Planned Parenthood released by the Center for Medical Progress have been a game-changer. The old argument that the Senator uses-that he opposes abortion but supports the rest of Planned Parenthood’s operations-just won’t work anymore. The Congressional investigation into Planned Parenthood’s activities continues. Questions have arisen as to not only whether Planned Parenthood is illegally profiting from the sale of baby body parts, but also whether it has violated the federal Partial-Birth Abortion ban and the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
Let’s take a closer look at the Senator’s contention that Planned Parenthood should be federally funded because of its non-abortion activities. To begin with, contrary to popular belief, Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms, as confirmed by news outlets such as the Washington Post. And according to information obtained from Planned Parenthood’s own annual reports, cancer screening and prevention programs at its facilities declined by about half from 2009 to 2013.
Moreover, the legislation which Senator Casey opposed would have re-directed federal Planned Parenthood funds to federally qualified health centers. As female Senator and prime sponsor Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) stated in a news release, the measure would have channeled "federal funding taken from Planned Parenthood to other eligible entities that provide health services for women, and guarantees that there is absolutely no reduction in overall federal funding available to support women’s health."
Community health centers perform the services that Planned Parenthood does-without performing abortions. Therefore, Senator Casey’s vote was not a vote for women’s health-it was a vote in solidarity with Planned Parenthood.
According to National Right to Life’s Congressional scorecard for 2013-14, Senator Casey voted the pro-life position only 20 percent of the time. He cannot claim the name pro-lifer when 80 percent of his votes are anti-life.
Senator Casey cannot have it both ways. He cannot stand with Planned Parenthood and declare that he is pro-life. His father, the much-respected former Governor of Pennsylvania, Robert Casey, was willing to stand up to party bosses in defense of human life. His son should follow his example.
Indicted AG Kathleen Kane Ignores Abortion Scandal
Legislative leaders asked Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane to investigate Planned Parenthood after undercover videos showed its top level doctors callously discussing the harvesting of baby body parts. Kane seemed uninterested. Read more here.
New Video: Planned Parenthood Harvests "a Lot" of Aborted Babies, Buyer Wants "50 Livers a Week"
In the eighth undercover video, the CEO of StemExpress discusses working with Planned Parenthood to harvest aborted babies’ body parts. The CEO calls Planned Parenthood a "high volume" client. She also mentions some shockingly unsanitary conditions inside abortion centers. Watch it here.
A video released late last month shows an interview with a former StemExpress employee who worked with Planned Parenthood centers. The employee says she saw an aborted baby while his heart was still beating and was instructed to cut open the head. Watch it here.
Warning: Both videos contain some graphic elements.
Pa. Department of Health Claims State Abortion Centers
Are Not Selling Aborted Babies’ Body Parts
State Secretary of Health Karen Murphy says she will not pursue an investigation of Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania. Read more here.
Scientist: Aborted Babies Not Necessary for Medical Research
Planned Parenthood claims aborted babies’ body parts are important to medical advancements, but are they really? This scientist says no. Read more here.
Register Now for Our Celebrate Life Banquet with Ruth Graham and Her Daughter Windsor
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Tuesday, Oct. 20 in Pittsburgh for an evening of pro-life inspiration.
The guest speakers for our Celebrate Life Banquet will be Ruth Graham, the daughter of Billy Graham, and her daughter Windsor Bauders. Ruth and Windsor will share how their family faced two teenage pregnancies — while being related to one of the most famous religious leaders in the world.
Please register today — or consider becoming a sponsor. For details, click here.
We hope to see you there!
Register to Vote Online in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is now allowing citizens to register to vote online. It is critically important that you are registered to vote for the Nov. 3 election. Seats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Superior Court, and the Commonwealth Court will be at stake. To register to vote, please click here.
This Is Why the News Media Is Biased Toward Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood recently gave awards to 16 journalists for their reporting. Journalist Valerie Tarico of Salon received an award for her column, "I am pro-abortion, not just pro-choice." Read more here.
New Comedy Film "Grandma" Pushes Abortion
The newly released movie "Grandma," staring Lily Tomlin, follows a woman who helps her 18-year-old granddaughter get an abortion. Read more here.
Baby Saved after Mom Takes Child to Safe Haven
A pro-life volunteer shares how she received a Facebook message from a desperate mother — and helped to save a baby’s life. Read her story here.
Learn about Pennsylvania’s Safe Haven Law here.
Final Pro-Life Town Hall Is Sept. 16 at Grove City College
Our final Pro-Life Town Hall of 2015 will be held at Grove City College on Wednesday, Sept. 16. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Sticht Auditorium, Hall of Arts and Letters, Madison Avenue. The event is co-sponsored by the Center for Vision and Values Marriage and Family Working Group.
Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo and Education Director Micaiah Bilger will speak about a wide range of current pro-life topics and answer questions about what can be done to defend the right to life today.
We hope you’ll join us for this free, informative event!
Black Leaders to Smithsonian: Remove Margaret Sanger Image
The Smithsonian is being called on to remove an image of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, from an exhibit about American trailblazers. A group of African Americans and pro-lifers are outraged that Sanger, a eugenicist who spoke to the Ku Klux Klan, is recognized among heroes like Martin Luther King Jr. Read more here.
40 Days for Life Begins Sept. 23 in 10 Cities across the State
Join a peaceful, prayerful campaign for life this fall in Pennsylvania. The next 40 Days for Life campaign will kick off on Sept. 23. The following Pennsylvania cities are participating this fall: Allentown, Chester County, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Norristown, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading Warminster, and York. Click here for details.