Constitution Group Announces Winter Courses
For Immediate Release
Contact: 717-228-7524
(Lebanon) – The Constitutional Organization Of Liberty (COOL), a conservative, non-partisan political action committee registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State, has announced its course offerings for the Winter 2010 cycle.
Mark Thomas of Cornwall, Chairman of COOL, said that the five-year old organization will be offering two sessions of the "Institute On The Constitution" (IOTC) – one in Camp Hill and one in Lebanon, beginning February 13.
"After the successful classes we had last year, COOL’s Board went ahead and approved the expansion of it’s course offerings," Thomas said. "Most exciting for us is the fact that we are continuing to broaden the different locations we use to host our courses."
According to Thomas, the IOTC reintroduces class members to the religious, philosophical and legal concepts that inspired the creation of the United States Constitution.
"It’s both informative and, based on our course presentation, entertaining," he said.
Jeff Griffith, one of COOL’s course instructors, said the IOTC combines an intensive study of the Constitution with the historical context of the events surrounding the creation the United States.
"Perhaps the most exciting aspect of teaching the IOTC is the reaction class participants have when they start putting together all of the pieces of history and law that influenced our Founding Fathers," he said. "Some participants have actually expressed disappointment that the course did not go longer."
Julia Neumyer, who will be directing the IOTC offering in Camp Hill, was excited about the upcoming course.
"COOL has had a number of requests for more locations and the Camp Hill class will allow us to open up attendance to people in the entire Harrisburg metropolitan area," she said. "And that’s really what COOL is about – providing this coursework to as many people in Pennsylvania as possible."
The "Institute On The Constitution" course in Camp Hill will be hosted every consecutive Thursday at Discover Church beginning February 4, at 7:00 PM and run thru March 25.
The "Institute On The Constitution" course in Lebanon will be hosted at Open Door Baptist Church beginning Saturday, February 13 at 4:00 PM. Subsequent classes will be held on February 27, March 6, 13, and 27, and then on April 3, 10 and 24.
The cost to attend the IOTC is $10 per session per person or $60 if full pre-payment is made, and all study materials are included. For more information, contact COOL at 717-228-7524 or visit their website at