Constitution Group Elects Officers

Member Group : News Releases

For Immediate Release
Contact: 717-228-7524


(Lebanon, PA) – The Constitutional Organization Of Liberty (COOL), a conservative, non-partisan educational organization, as elected members to serve on its managing Board for the next two years.

Mark Thomas of Cornwall, who currently serves as Chairman of COOL, was re-elected unanimously, and Kelly Krouch of Mechanicsburg was elected to serve as Vice Chairman, which will be her first term as an Officer.

Harry Cain of Lebanon will be assuming the duties of Treasurer in his first term at this role, while Sandy Miller, also of Lebanon, was re-elected to serve as Secretary.

In addition to Officers, At Large members were elected to serve on the Board. Joe Boder of Harrisburg, will be joining Herb Braden and Greg Keiper, both of Lebanon, and Joe Courtright of Manheim, all of whom were re-elected to serve on the Board.

State Senator Mike Folmer, who participated in the election of the officers, expressed optimism about the upcoming year for COOL.

"I am really looking forward to the great things COOL will be able to accomplish and participate in in the next two years," he said. "We have a good leadership team in place and people very committed to advancing COOL’s goals of promoting Constitutional education across the state."

COOL was granted tax-exempt status by the IRS in the past year, after an extended application
process believed to have been a consequence of the scandal involving the IRS treatment of conservative
non-profit groups.

COOL has been providing educational presentations and seminars across Pennsylvania since its inception in 2005. More information about COOL may be secured by visiting their website at or by contacting COOL by e-mail at [email protected]..


The Alexander Hamilton Institute for Constitutional Studies, of which the Constitutional Organization Of Liberty (COOL)
is a project, is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization under Sections 501 (c)(3) of the IRS Code, and
is incorporated and registered in Pennsylvania. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods
or services of value were provided in exchange for funds received.


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