COOL Announces Fall Courses
For Immediate Release
Contact: 717-228-7524
(Lebanon, PA) – The Constitutional Organization Of Lebanon (COOL), a conservative, non-partisan political action committee registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State, has announced its course offerings for the Fall 2010 cycle.
Mark Thomas of Cornwall Borough, Chairman for COOL, said that the five-year old organization will be offering two classes on the Constitution – A More Perfect Union and the Institute On The Constitution (IOTC) beginning at the end of September.
"After the successful classes we had last year, the decision was made to try and expand our course offerings as well as locales for our courses," Thomas said. "With the increasing interest people have in the Constitution, especially with the approaching November election, it only made sense to start
some classes as soon as possible."
According to Thomas, A More Perfect Union is a half day course intended to provide participants with a broad overview of the events leading up to the Constitutional Convention and what issues were debated and how the Constitution came into being.
"’Perfect Union’ is really intended as an introductory course for people who may feel overwhelmed by the idea of learning more about the Constitution," he said. "And we have purposely designed the class to allow participants to get comfortable with this kind of study."
"For people who want to delve a little deeper into the Constitution and the history behind it, the IOTC provides a format for more group discussion and participation," he said.
Thomas also noted that the IOTC is more intensive in it’s approach and is held over an eight week period, requiring a more consistent commitment on the part of the participants.
State Senator Mike Folmer, who has completed the IOTC and has also acted as an instructor for several classes, said Constitutional education is a never-ending process.
"It seems that there is always something to learn about the Constitution and our Founding Fathers," Folmer said. "And I always enjoy the opportunity to participate in the classes offered by COOL because I get to share my experiences and understanding, and hear the same from other people."
A More Perfect Union will be held on Saturday, September 25, at St. John Evangelical Congregational Church, 683 Steelstown Road in Annville, and will run from 9:00 AM thru Noon.
Institute On The Constitution will be held every consecutive Monday from September 27 thru November 15 at Open Door Baptist Church in Lebanon and will run from 7:00 PM thru 9:00 PM.
Additional information regarding the courses, including associated costs, can be found by contacting COOL at 717-228-7524 or visiting COOL’s website at: