Democrats: The Party of Infanticide?

Member Group : Jerry Shenk

“Liberty” and “the pursuit of happiness” follow the first and foremost of Americans’ unalienable rights: the “right to life.”

If anyone, a mother, a practitioner or in government, permits destroying a human life at birth, every right enumerated in America’s Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution is rendered meaningless. Yet, that is what Virginia’s legislature considered, passed Vermont’s House and New York permits.

Virginia’s third-trimester abortion bill failed passage, but only after the state’s besieged Democratic Governor Ralph Northam witlessly revealed its full implications, saying, “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

In fact, Northam wasn’t exactly “besieged” until his medical school yearbook page featuring a blackface/KKK photo was made public. Either Democrats genuinely consider merely-offensive decades-old photos to be more horrific than killing infants, or abortion apologists focused on the photo as a convenient means of diverting attention from Northam’s full-term/post-birth “Kinsley gaffe” – when a politician “tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”

But, because sunlight is bad for business, Northam’s truthfulness dismayed generous Democratic abortion industry/lobby boosters. NARAL Pro-Choice America and mega-Northam-donor Planned Parenthood immediately demanded Northam’s resignation over the yearbook photo. Media and Democrats piled on, but all relented after the infanticide furor died down.

Every abortion at any stage of pregnancy takes an innocent human life, but New York’s permissible procedures now include “aborting” viable infants, and Vermont’s may.

New York’s Orwellian “Reproductive Health Act” expanded the state’s already-liberal abortion regime to allow late-term abortions. The bill also decriminalized abortions by moving them from the state’s criminal to the public-health code. Vermont’s grotesque House-passed H.57 abortion bill openly states: “A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus shall not have independent rights under Vermont law.”

In effect, both do or would make abortion-on-demand legally-available up to the moment of birth.

Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s celebratory January signing event – celebration of death, really – was heavily ironic. Following Pope Francis’s 2018 decree that the death penalty is never permissible, Governor Cuomo commented almost immediately on Twitter: “The death penalty is morally indefensible and has no place in the 21st century. Today, in solidarity with @pontifex and in honor of my father, I will be advancing legislation to remove the death penalty from State law once and for all.”

How morally deficient must one be to see no conflict in banning the death penalty for convicted, even mass murderers as “morally indefensible,” while celebrating government-sanctioned death penalties for innocent full-term children?

In February, 44 Senate Democrats, including all six 2020 presidential aspirants, voted against a Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act that, without affecting abortion access, would merely mandate medical care for infant survivors of failed abortion procedures.

It is elected Democrats’ statutory endorsements of infanticide that are morally indefensible.