Does President’s Faith Matter?
For Immediate Release
September 21, 2011
Deborah Hamilton, Hamilton Strategies, 215.815.7716, 610.584.1096,
[email protected]
Does the President’s Faith Matter?
Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network Brings to Light How Religious Beliefs Are Suddenly at the Core of Election Season, when President’s Faith was Quieted a Year Ago
Philadelphia, PA— Just a short year ago, certain blogs were scolding Americans for caring too much about President Barack Obama’s religious practices and beliefs, or lack thereof. And in the 2008 presidential election, a tie between Obama and a radical spiritual adviser was downplayed by the left. After all, he was the President. What does his faith have to do with his job?
But today, a few conservative Christians are in the mix for the next President of the United States and suddenly faith does matter. The beliefs of Republican presidential hopefuls are at the center of election season conversation. Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have both been scrutinized for how their beliefs might play into their political leadership.
One New York Times writer went as far as to poll Republican hopefuls on their religious views on certain hot-button issues.
"Although it’s a bit disjointed how much faith is suddenly in the mix for 2012," says Colin Hanna, president of the Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network and Let Freedom Ring, "we’re glad that these faith issues are indeed being looked at, no matter how or when. It’s interesting that faith issues were downplayed when others were being elected to office, but the truth is that the faith of a political leader is extremely important. Especially with the direction our country is heading, we desperately need leaders who have a solid foundation that finds its strength in God’s word and Jesus’ teaching."
Presidential hopefuls’ religious beliefs and views on certain hot-topic societal issues will be brought to light at the upcoming Values Voter Summit on October 7-9 in Washington, D.C. Several public interest groups, such as the Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network and Let Freedom Ring, will be in attendance.
In addition to Bachmann and Perry, confirmed speakers include Gary Bauer, president of American Values; Speaker of the House John Boehner; Rep. Ron Paul; and presidential hopeful and former senator Rick Santorum.
For more information on the Values Voter Summit, visit or .
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a group of biblically faithful clergy and church liaisons whose objective is to build a permanent infrastructure of like-minded clergy who affirm the authority of Scripture, take seriously Jesus’ command to be the "salt and light" to the culture, encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues; examine public policy issues without politicizing their pulpits and engage their congregations in taking part in our political process on a non-partisan basis.
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a project of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a 501 c(4) non-profit organization.
For more information about Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network visit
To schedule interviews with Colin Hanna, President of Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network and Let Freedom Ring, contact Deborah Hamilton at [email protected] , 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.
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