Don’t Let Noisy Minorities Intimidate You

Member Group : Jerry Shenk

One percent of the United States population is about 3.3 million people. One percent of Americans who agree on any issue can make a lot of noise, but noise alone does not create majorities, media amplification notwithstanding.

In his book The Sane Society, Erich Fromm wrote: “The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make these vices virtues, the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same form of mental pathology does not make these people sane.”

One might add that, although they always expect it, minorities who share the same virtue-free, error-ridden, pathological vices deserve no moral credit for forcing majorities to accept their viewpoints

That is especially true for the noisy minority who promote the insulting, bitterly-divisive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) racial preference and quota programs corrupting American classrooms and boardrooms, and suggest that anyone who opposes DEI is, by definition, racist.

DEI proponents oppose racism in theory, but, in practice, DEI is systemic racism, only in reverse.

In fact, majorities from all racial groups oppose racial preferences. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned a multiracial American society in which everyone was treated the same without regard to skin color. A large majority of Americans agree with Dr. King.

Let’s be honest, merit still counts. Virtually no one who argues for quotas would knowingly choose an equity-hire as their heart surgeon.

Nonetheless, DEI advocates cast their campaign as a battle between good and evil. It’s a war they started, ignoring the fact that they’re the bad guys.

The same is true of the noisy, neurotic minority pimping the LGBTQ agenda, especially the “T” cohort whose self-indulgence and caricaturized female stereotypes are destroying women’s rights, sports, and spaces, while eroding public support for and progress on gay rights.

Fromm bears repeating: “[T]he fact that millions of people share the same form of mental pathology does not make these people sane.”

Trans-gendering violates the first principle of logic: the Principle of Non-Contradiction holds that “A” cannot at one and the same time also be “Non-A.”

The truth is that transgenderism, or, gender dysphoria, is a mental health disorder. Sadly, more than forty percent of gender dysphoria victims attempt or commit suicide.

Any “woke” professional who claims to “affirm” trans-genders’ “sanity” only compounds the victims’ problems.

Disgustingly, the trans movement targets children, inspiring one online commenter to lament: “The most disturbing trend in the past few years is the destruction of the innocence of childhood in an attempt to validate insecure and sick adults.”

There is no evidence of any medical benefit to transitioning kids. Last year, England’s only transgender clinic closed over concerns that surgeons were ignoring children’s mental health, and the National Health Service no longer prescribes puberty blockers to children. Other European countries, including Sweden, Finland, and France, have stopped pushing transgender “treatments” for children because of the harm they cause.

Why, precisely, should Americans be forced to accept transgenders/transsexuals for whom they imagine themselves to be, when they couldn’t accept themselves for whom they were – and are? And how can it possibly be “criminal” to “misgender” people who have literally misgendered themselves?

Frankly, there is nothing “virtuous,” “truthful,“ and/or “sane” about DEI and transgenderism.

Most Americans never cared about anyone’s skin color until they were gratuitously labeled “racists,” shamed, and blamed for every minority’s personal misfortunes, shortcomings and failures. Few cared that others were gay or trans until the LGBTQ crowd began getting in their/their children’s faces, demanding that everyone – no exceptions – wholeheartedly endorse their lifestyles and embrace their public indecencies. Even fewer cared about anyone else’s political beliefs until they were condemned, censored, cancelled and/or even prosecuted for expressing their own.

Today, guiltless Americans – a majority – are fed up, short on tolerance and out of patience, so the ability of noisy, neurotic minorities to bully, shame and silence them is dwindling.

Noise levels will increase. Lacking virtue, truth, sanity, or majority support, volume is bullies’ only resource – other than the totally “truthful,” “sane,” “virtuous,” “popular,” and “credible” social/cultural nihilists in the national media who celebrate them.

Don’t be intimidated.

ity, perhaps, but never reward the noisemakers, or, especially, the hacks, flacks and grifters who use, and the wokesters who indulge them.