The Eagles: Our Time Has Come
I am a recovering Philadelphia Eagles fan. I nearly drowned in the sea of tears at Lincoln Stadium after last year’s disastrous championship game. I got home, pulled together my collection of Eagles t-shirts, hats and jackets then gave them to the Salvation Army. Bitter and unforgiving ever since I’ve spent Sunday afternoons watching Lifetime – the Women’s Channel or Mud Wrestling on Spike TV. Watched anything but the Eagles.
I know there are other souls out there like me who are now shamefully repentant and looking to make amends to family, friends and co-workers. Especially the loyal fans that are gracious when they gloat. We need to bring a new faith in the Eagles to a repentant state, hoping that humiliated Steelers fans will raise their black and yellow flags high to cheer Philadelphia’s team on. My hope is that the whole state can forgive and then send waves of positive energy to Jacksonville. To help bring about this unity about I’ve borrowed loosely from some of the finest, inspirational thunder of the late 20th century: The Reverend Jesse Jackson’s stirring 1984 speech to the Democratic National Convention.
“This is not a perfect team. Though not a perfect team we are called to a perfect mission. Our time has come!”
Not a perfect team? It’s not a perfect team if T.O. is still sidetracked. But if that fleet footed angel Donovan McNabb can keep moving the ball everywhere. Our time has come!
“This is the call of conscience, redemption, expansion and unity. Leadership must head the call of conscience. Leadership has changed things. Our time has come!”
The conscientiousness of Freddie Mitchell. The redemption of David Akers’ kicking leg. The magnificent expansion of Brian Westbrook and the unity imposed on the team by Coach Andy Reid. Our time has come!
“Suffering breeds character. Character breeds faith and in the end faith will not disappoint. Weeping has endured through the night but joy cometh in the morning. Our time has come!”
It’s been 25 years since the Oakland Raiders snuffed our last championship hopes and yet virtually every home game the Eagles have played since then has had 65,000 screaming, cheering and some days crying fans. Our time has come!
“If in my low moments in word, deed or attitude or through some error of temper, taste or tone, I have caused anyone discomfort or raised anyone’s truest fears that was not me. If there were occasions where my grape turned into a raisin, and my joy-bell lost its resonance please forgive me. I develop and serve; God is not finished with me yet. Our time has come!”
There is a piece of Eagles clothing left in my closet. It’s a green sweater with a big eagle on it that my sons gave me several years ago. I guess I held on to it out of some vague notion of sentimentality or hope. I got it out, washed it and will wear it every day this week as part of my redemption. Because Sunday night for Eagles fans everywhere: “our time, our time, our time has come!”
Sunday. Eagles 24, Pats 21. Our time has come