‘Early Bird Rates Expire Saturday
Updated PA Leadership Conference Agenda Released
Harrisburg, PA) – ‘Early Bird’ registration rates for the 2013 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will expire at midnight this Saturday, March 16th. After that regular registration rates will go in effect through the start of the conference which will be held April 19-20, 2013 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), PA.
When registering, be sure and enter the promo code (which appears at the top of the registration page) to secure your "Early Bird" rate. Registration includes admission to all conference functions EXCEPT the pre-dinner reception. Registration DOES include the Friday evening dinner with speaker Steve Hayes of Fox News/The Weekly Standard (do not register separately for the dinner), the Saturday breakfast with John Gizzi, and Saturday lunch with pollster/commentator Scott Rasmussen. It also includes all panels, workshops and speakers. The only function NOT included in the registration fee is the pre-dinner reception with Steve Hayes, which is priced separately.
To register, go to www.paleadershipconference.org
Here is an updated tentative schedule of events. Please note we will be announcing several additional featured speakers in the coming weeks:
2013 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference
Tentative Agenda
Friday, April 19, 2013
9:00 A.M. Workshop A: Using Social Media
Presented by the Franklin Center
Workshop B: The 10th Amendment and States’ Rights
Presented by the Constitutional Organization
of Liberty
Mike Folmer, State Senator
Louis Petolicchio, COOL
12 NOON BREAK (Lunch on Own)
1:00 P.M. Remarks: Mr. Frederick W. Anton, III
Chairman, Pennsylvania Leadership Council
1:15 P.M. Speaker: U. S. Senator Patrick J. Toomey
Introduction &
Comments: U.S. Representative Keith Rothfus
1:45 P.M. Speaker: Deneen Borelli, Fox News Contributor
Introduction: TBA
2:15 P.M. PANEL: Broadening the Conservative Coalition
MODERATOR: Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring, USA
PANELISTS: Ana Puig, FreedomWorks
Michael Geer, PA Family Institute
Tom Borelli, Freedom Works
Eli Evankovich, State Representative
Mike Armstrong, Leadership Institute
3:15 P.M. Speaker: U.S. Representative Scott Perry
Introduction: TBA
3:45 P.M. PANEL: Unleashing the Economic Potential of Penn’s Woods
PANELISTS: Phil English, Arent, Fox
Charlie Gerow, Quantum Communications
Lori Joint, Manufacturers and Business Assn.
Brian Ellis, State Representative
Kim Ward, State Senator
5:00 P.M. Pre-Dinner Reception with Steve Hayes
6:30 P.M. Liberty Dinner
M.C.: R.J. Harris, WHP Radio
National Anthem: Carol Sexton
Invocation: TBA
Speaker: Confirmed and To Be Announced
Featured Speaker: Steve Hayes, Fox News/The Weekly Standard
Saturday, April 20, 2013
7:00 A.M. Freedom Breakfast
Speaker: John Gizzi, Human Events
Speakers: Confirmed and To Be Announced
8:00 A.M. KEYNOTE PANEL: Freedom to Work
MODERATOR: Jennifer Stefano, Americans for Prosperity
PANELISTS: Rob Reeves, E. Allen Reeves Company
Matt Brouillette, Commonwealth Foundation
Heidi Adsett, Stop Teacher Strikes
Leo Knepper, Citizens Alliance of PA
Bryan Cutler, State Representative
9:00 A.M. Speaker: Confirmed and To Be Announced
Introduction: TBA
9:30 A.M. Speaker: John Fund, National Review
Introduction: TBA
10:00 A.M. MINI PANEL: State Issues Roundtable
MODERATOR: David Madera, Talk Show Host
Daryl Metcalfe, State Representative
Stephen Bloom, State Representative
10:30 A.M. Speaker: Ann McElhenney, Producer of FrackNation
Introduction: Greg Wrightstone, PA Coalition for
Reponsible Government
11:00 A.M. Break
12 NOON Leadership Luncheon
M.C. David Taylor, PA Manufacturers Association
National Anthem: Tegan Ritchey
Straw Poll Results: Scott Davis
Speaker: Scott Rasmussen, Rasmussen Reports
Speaker: TBA
2:00 P.M. Workshop: Citizen Lobbying
Robert Arnakis, Leadership Institute
Registration for the 2013 Pennsylvania Leadership Conferenceis now open at www.paleadershipconference.org.