Fall 2007 Business Climate Survey Report
Total Respondents: 146
Section I: Business Climate
1. In general, do you think business conditions in Pennsylvania are better, the same, or worse than they were SIX MONTHS AGO?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Better | 4.8% | 7 |
Same | 51.7% | 75 |
Worse | 42.1% | 61 |
No Opinion | 1.4% | 2 |
Total Respondents | 145 | |
(skipped this question) | 1 |
2. LOOKING AHEAD SIX MONTHS, do you think business conditions will be better, the same, or worse than they are now?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Better | 4.8% | 7 |
Same | 51.7% | 75 |
Worse | 42.1% | 61 |
No Opinion | 1.4% | 2 |
Total Respondents | 145 | |
(skipped this question) | 1 |
3. Are employment levels at your company higher, the same, or lower, than they were SIX MONTHS AGO?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Higher | 19.3% | 28 |
Same | 49.7% | 72 |
Lower | 28.3% | 41 |
No Opinion | 2.8% | 4 |
Total Respondents | 145 | |
(skipped this question) | 1 |
4. LOOKING AHEAD SIX MONTHS, do you anticipate that employment levels at your company will be higher, stay the same, or be lower?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Higher | 14.5% | 21 |
Same | 66.9% | 97 |
Lower | 17.9% | 26 |
No Opinion | 0.7% | 1 |
Total Respondents | 145 | |
(skipped this question) | 1 |
5. Have your company’s sales increased, stayed relatively the same, or decreased during the PAST SIX MONTHS?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Increased | 29.0% | 42 |
Same | 30.3% | 44 |
Decreased | 35.2% | 51 |
No Opinion | 5.5% | 8 |
Total Respondents | 145 | |
(skipped this question) | 1 |
6. Do you expect your company’s sales to increase, stay relatively the same, or decrease during the COMING SIX MONTHS?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Increase | 31.9% | 46 |
Same | 38.9% | 56 |
Decrease | 22.9% | 33 |
No Opinion | 6.3% | 9 |
Total Respondents | 144 | |
(skipped this question) | 2 |
7. At any point in the PAST SIX MONTHS has your company considered moving all or part of its Pennsylvania operations to another state?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Did move some operations | 5.6% | 8 |
Considered moving some operations | 11.2% | 16 |
Considered moving all operations | 8.4% | 12 |
Moved operations into Pennsylvania | 0% | 0 |
Didn’t consider any moves | 74.8% | 107 |
Total Respondents | 143 | |
(skipped this question) | 3 |
8. Do you foresee at any point in the COMING SIX MONTHS your company considering moving all or part of its Pennsylvania operations to another state?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
May move all operations | 5.0% | 7 |
May move some operations | 14.9% | 21 |
Not considering any moves | 78.0% | 110 |
May move operations INTO Pennsylvania | 2.1% | 3 |
Total Respondents | 141 | |
(skipped this question) | 5 |
9. In general, do you have a POSITIVE, NEGATIVE or NO OPINION of the job performance of the following individuals?
Positive | Negative | No Opinion | Response Percent |
President George W. Bush | 43.2% (63) | 43.2% (63) | 13.7% (20) | 146 |
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke | 43.4% (63) | 11.7% (17) | 44.8% (65) | 145 |
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter | 33.6% (49) | 50.0% (73) | 16.4% (24) | 146 |
U.S. Senator Robert P Casey, Jr. | 14.5% (21) | 55.2% (80) | 30.3% (44) | 145 |
Governor Ed Rendell | 20.5% (30) | 70.5% (103) | 8.9% (13) | 146 |
Attorney General Tom Corbett | 17.8% (26) | 17.8% (26) | 64.4% (94) | 146 |
Auditor General Jack Wagner | 7.5% (11) | 16.4% (24) | 76.0% (111) | 146 |
Total Respondents | 146 | |||
(skipped this question) | 0 |
10. In general, do you have a POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, or NO OPINION of the job performance of the following institutions?
Positive | Negative | No Opinion | Response Percent |
United States Senate | 11.8% (17) | 76.4% (110) | 11.8% (17) | 144 |
United States House of Representatives | 9.7% (14) | 80.0% (116) | 10.3% (15) | 145 |
Pennsylvania Senate | 19.4% (28) | 61.8% (89) | 18.8% (27) | 144 |
Pennsylvania House of Representatives | 18.6% (27) | 64.8% (94) | 16.6% (24) | 145 |
Total Respondents | 145 | |||
(skipped this question) | 1 |
2. Section II: Issues
11. The 2007-08 budget passed by the General Assembly held the line on taxes, but increased spending significantly above the rate of inflation. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE that the state constitution should be amended to limit state spending growth to the rate of inflation plus population growth except in emergency situations?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Strongly Agree | 54.5% | 73 |
Somewhat Agree | 29.1% | 39 |
Somewhat Disagree | 9.7% | 13 |
Strongly Disagree | 5.2% | 7 |
No Opinion/Refused | 1.5% | 2 |
Total Respondents | 134 | |
(skipped this question) | 12 |
12. Do you FAVOR or OPPOSE a property tax reform measure that would eliminate all school district property taxes and replace the revenue by applying the state sales tax to a wider range of goods and services?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Strongly Favor | 33.1% | 44 |
Somewhat Favor | 32.3% | 43 |
Somewhat Oppose | 13.5% | 18 |
Strongly Oppose | 19.6% | 26 |
No Opinion/Refused | 1.5% | 2 |
Total Respondents | 133 | |
(skipped this question) | 13 |
13. Do you FAVOR or OPPOSE a proposal before the U.S. Congress that would eliminate secret ballots (and make each employee’s vote public) in instances where employees are voting on whether or not to unionize?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Strongly Favor | 14.3% | 19 |
Somewhat Favor | 6.8% | 9 |
Somewhat Oppose | 8.3% | 11 |
Strongly Oppose | 65.4% | 87 |
No Opinion/Refused | 5.3% | 7 |
Total Respondents | 133 | |
(skipped this question) | 13 |
14. Governor Ed Rendell is proposing to lease the Pennsylvania Turnpike to private enterprise as a way of funding road and bridge repairs throughout the state. Do you FAVOR or OPPOSE privatization of the Pennsylvania Turnpike?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Strongly Favor | 9.8% | 13 |
Somewhat Favor | 25.6% | 34 |
Somewhat Oppose | 21.1% | 28 |
Strongly Oppose | 38.4% | 51 |
No Opinion/Refused | 5.3% | 7 |
Total Respondents | 133 | |
(skipped this question) | 13 |
15. The Pennsylvania General Assembly has enacted a law which would place tolls on Interstate 80 to generate revenue to fund mass transit along with highway and bridge repairs across the state. Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with the decision to toll I-80?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Strongly Agree | 12.1% | 16 |
Somewhat Agree | 30.3% | 40 |
Somewhat Disagree | 12.9% | 17 |
Strongly Disagree | 42.4% | 56 |
No Opinion/Refused | 2.3% | 3 |
Total Respondents | 132 | |
(skipped this question) | 14 |
16. Reforming the operations of the Pennsylvania General Assembly was a major issue in last year’s elections. Generally speaking, are you SATISFIED or DISSATISFIED with the reforms which have been enacted to date?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Very Satisfied | 0.8% | 1 |
Somewhat Satisfied | 26.7% | 35 |
Somewhat Dissatisfied | 26.0% | 34 |
Very Dissatisfied | 21.4% | 28 |
No Answer/Refused | 25.2% | 33 |
Total Respondents | 131 | |
(skipped this question) | 15 |
17. . Do you believe significant reform is needed in Pennsylvania’s current Workers Compensation system?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Yes, significant reform is needed | 59.9% | 79 |
No, the current systems works well | 12.9% | 17 |
Refused/No Answer | 27.3% | 36 |
Total Respondents | 132 | |
(skipped this question) | 14 |
18. What specific problems are you experiencing with Pennsylvania’s current Workers’ Compensation system?
Response Count |
dishonesty of employees Judges are for employees Small business is at an unfair advantage vs large companies
Current system allows fraud Its corrupt, It is a attorney welfare system. workers ability to get claim money. Current policy is too liberal. Almost impossible to get the WC Insurance, especially with reasonably rates. It should be left to the private sector with very little governmental oversight. Insurance is a privelege and not a right. The cost of W.C. insurance is 10x my liability insurance. My small business of 20 employees is lumped into a BIG business rating. cost Too easy to “beat the system”. the system is BROKEN contractors should not be liable for subcontractor’s w/c. especially by state law a self employed indiv. can not buy w/c for themselves I own an auto repair shop and feel that the rules governing service writer and front office people are not uniformly applied. The discrepancy between clerical rates and technician rates are huge giving a cost advantage to shops that are carrying their service writers at clerical rates. Too high of costs and system generates perpetual system users… Too many people are on who are able to work or be trained for another occupation. People are taking advantage of the system and I think should be screened each year for their potential. Worker classifications – some are to broad. THE COST costs are too high High rates and that you will not go after the people who have false claims. Call me if you need to find out more. Dave Caddick 215-653-0260 It’s totally slanted in favor of the worker, and has become an accepted source of welfare funds. IN OUR INDUSTRY WORKMENS COMP IS BASED ON WAGES AND SALES. IT SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON SALES. IN OUR INDUSTRY IF WE MAKE A PART OUT OF STAINLESS STEEL INSTEAD OF STEEL, THE COST IS 4 TO 5 TIMES MORE. SO IF YOU USE MORE STAINLESS, ALUM. OR OTHER MATERIALS THAT ARE NOT STEEL, THEN YOUR SALES ARE INCREASED 4 TO 5 TIMES, BUT YOUR PROFITS ARE THE SAME. New classification of jobs is slow to happen and end up in higher rated classes until significant experience causes the WC Bureau to change/add once a year. Not condusive to new start-up. It is blatantly one sided towards the employee and must be changed in order to be fair to both sides. This is especially the case if you are insured by the state verses a private carrier. It’s still too easy to collect on “bogus” claims. There needs to be clarification regarding who is ultimately responsible when a sub-contractor on a job is breaking the law by not carrying workers comp and then penalizing the general contractor. None other then the cost; no one at this facility has had to make use of it. The system is overwhelmingly skewed toward employees. Employee abuse is not punished severly enough and it is rampant. Ambulance chasing attorneys should be punished for taking cases that are not legitimate. The state employees running the system are largely inept at best and they have no uniform procedures or policies, they seem to make it up as they go along. Employers do not have the time to deal with SCDU, Worker’s compensation, unemployment compensation and all of the other business crushing regulatory problems in Pennsylvania and still maintain their sanity. Referee’s are claiment oriented (they should be neutral). Even if the employer has a valit case it is often (generally) ignored. It is convoluted. Difficulty with trying to be in compliance is not abating — it is worse. Rates and benefits, audits etc. tOO MUCH PAPER WORK FOR EMPLOYER. NEED TO REDUCE PAPER WORK. Bureaucracy! We have lost all but one employee (boss’s wife) so at the moment we have no ‘problems’… It is abused and costs too much…don’t believe it’s being run well. No opinion, no injuries. n/a I suggest putting the medical coverage under a Blue Cross or other medical coverage as long as coverages are the same or greater. That would bring down workmen’s comp rates. No consideration to very very small business. The SWIF program is an example of government beauracracy working at its worst. Customer service is non existant the price in my line of work is going too put me out of business if something isn’t done. cost to expensive Rates are too high in my industry and the calculating basis for premiums based upon payroll rather than sales volume is a negative to my company. I personally have not experienced any problems with the current system. I just believe the Legislature needs to have all its activities be open to the “Sunshine Laws” that other states have enacted. I believe our PA Legislature is not as open as it should be so that we all would know what happens behind closed doors. System runs much too slowly. Litigation spans months. Judges are not neutral. Some, such as Judge Sabastanelli, haven’t found in favor of the employer in years. The amount of qualified people in the system as a whole Decisions favor the employee too many times. Too hard for the employer to prove misconduct of the employee. Here is one example: All issues (even related to personal health) on the job are blamed to the employer. For instance, a rash must be because of chemical exposure, not a change in laundry detergent. WC insurance covers the doctors visits related to this, and the employer pays in higher WC insurance cost. Another example: employee has a non-significant injury, but doctor (on physician panel) does not feel it necessary to allow the employee to go back to work light duty. There is no recourse by the employer. Employee is always favored No limit on being able to reopen a claim Decisions are too long,very liberal in their decisions, business is definitely not given a fair shot, this is why our company is considering leaving Pa. Employee Fraud and the failure of insurance companies to help prove fraud and to get reimbursement of payments. A referee has bypassed established rules. Recent changes have done nothing to minimize the ease with which a false claim can be made. The need for fair WC judges, not 99% employee favored. Most are not work related. |
52 |
Total Respondents | 52 |
(skipped this question) | 94 |
19. Do you believe significant reform is needed in Pennsylvania’s current Unemployment Compensation system?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Yes, significant reform is needed | 45.8% | 60 |
No, the current systems works well | 16.8% | 22 |
Refused/No Answer | 35.1% | 46 |
Some reform appears to be needed
Unable to answer; no personal experience too easy to get, should have to show up and do something for the check, clean streets, pick up trash, etc. |
2.3% | 3 |
Total Respondents | 131 | |
(skipped this question) | 15 |
20. What specific problems are you experiencing with Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation system?
Response Count |
Business rates are too high. People are getting too many weeks unemployment.
It puts all of the burden of proof onto the employer when it is often obvious that the employee is not entitled to benefits. Our governor is trying to make it more cumbersome and create another attorney welfare system. Constant rate /factor change. Penalizes employer forces employer to do lay-offs! It is too easy to cheat the system. Law abiding businesses foot the bill, while the cheats get off for free. Additional employee codes should be added and not lump a specific catagory into one big group. HVAC should have it’s own catagory and not listed under Plumbing. Most HVAC employees do not deal with plumbing at a hight rate code. Ridiculous comp claims for people who just don’t show up for work! My account should not be charged when an employee leaves of his own free will, finds another job, and is laid off there before 90 days. Again, too many people are taking advantage of the system. When I dispute a claim, the moderator almost makes me feel that I am at fault and am responsible for the livlihood of said individual even though he proably was let go because of his own refusal to work. Workers who voluntarily quit can still collect unemployment charged against former employer in some cases. THE PAY OUTS SHOULD BE LOWER TO GIVE A PERSON ON UNEMPLOYMENT THE INCENTIVE TO WANT TO RETURN TO WORK. it is unfair how they pay out Again, slanted somewhat in favor of the worker NOT as much as worker’s comp, which is “off the charts” I believe that we need to have a system that allows employers relief when the employee does not perforn his job properly. The only way that you can get relief from a claim is if they violate a work rule. Everything. They are a group of beauracrats that love to give money away. See above. “Fired” workers can still collect far too easily. They approve everybody to recieve benefits None other then the cost; no one at this facility has had to make use of it. Again, the same as Workers comp. Employees get comp that are not entitled to it. The system is badly partial to employees and the ligitimate cases are treated just like the rest of the people. There is something seriously wrong with this system! It is almost impossible to let an employee go reguardless of how good the reason without paying UC. It is unreasonable and unfair. “Reform” was promised when the “trigger” mechanisms were put in place nearly twenty years ago. Absolutely nothing has been done, particularly to alleviate the problems faced by employers with small workforces. rates and audits The employee is ALWAYS granted unemployment! No matter how much information we provide the system always finds in favor of the employee. too many people are allowed to take advantage of the system why i have to get audited every year, even though my company is so small that we are under the minimum amount to pay Only that we need to respond in a timely way or the decision goes to the employee. If the paperwork is lost or misplaced, it still goes to the employee. n/a No consideration to very very small business Big PIG !!!!!!!! the amount of time required for small business to gather information for the ins. company’s annual audit. the abuse of the system by individuals who take unemployment and do work on the side for cash. Are all those individuals who have lost their positions always compensated for a lost position? What happens to their health care coverage? What happens to their chilren’s coverage? Are the premiums within reach of their reduced income? System is pro-claimant. For example, we employ people to perform physical labor; that’s the job. An employee gets hurt off the job and the state makes it the responsibility of the employer to accommodate limitations no matter how severe they are. We can’t do that but the employee gets UC. People are not encouraged to seek employment once the checks start I couldn’t believe this scenario was real… we laid off an employee for lack of work in May. She received UC for about a month, then came back full time. We then terminated her the following January. She received 26-4=22 weeks of benefits under her first claim AND THEN ANOTHER 26 weeks of benefits under the new claim!!! Our opinion is that the first layoff claim was temporary (4 weeks) and was resolved and should not be made available to her in addition to her termination claim. Too easy to get unemployment – especially those fired for attendance. Need to look at the pattern of absences, not just the last absences. Employees who do not want to work still get UC Allows indiiduals from outside Pa to collect even though they are not able to in the state where they are comming from. Over the years, the Comp system has pushed employers to establish well written and well defined disciplinary action processes only to disregard them when presented at hearings. Referees should have term limits. unemployed workers should be more aggressively persuaded to find work in whatever field they can and be subject to randome drug testing while recieving benefits. People do not want to work |
40 |
(skipped this question) | 106 |
21. As a result of the recent increase in the minimum wage in Pennsylvania, have you had to take any specific cost cutting action(s) such as: (Check all that are applicable)
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Lay-off employees | 5.0% | 6 |
Cut hours of operation | 1.7% | 2 |
Cancel or postpone expansion plans | 7.4% | 9 |
Not hire new employees | 14.9% | 18 |
Not hire teens or inexperienced workers | 20.7% | 25 |
No answer/Refused | 50.4% | 61 |
we already paid above this-no problem work employees fewer hours no effect because we pay above minimum No action taken Not affected by new minimum wage Limit pay increases no minimum wage workers No impact. Don’t hire minimum wage workers. It’s an insult to the worker. did not change my business PEPOLE DO NOT UNDER STAND HOW IT SHOLD WORK NEED FLAT FOR ALL EMPLOYER NOT WHAT CURENT NEW REQ IF YOU HAVE LESS THEN 1O FULL TIME …….., Have taken no negative measures does not apply we do not hire at min wage cut employees hour raised pricess N/A to my business no reaction to increase. No action taken none No action taken adjust all wages upward to be fair PLANT CLOSING END OF DEC |
19.0% | 23 |
Total Respondents | 121 | |
(skipped this question) | 25 |
22. Do you feel that the current housing market has had a POSTIVE, NEGATIVE or NO EFFECT on your businesss?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Positive Effect | 3.8% | 5 |
Negarive Effect | 53.4% | 70 |
No Effect | 41.2% | 54 |
Refused/No Opinion | 1.5% | 2 |
Total Respondents | 131 | |
(skipped this question) | 15 |
23.If the election for President of the United States were held today, for whom would you vote?
Response Count |
republican democrats are not for business
Hillary Clinton Fred Thompson The person who will cut spending, cut govermnent down to size, ukphold the constitution, and above all, who loves the USA. mitt romney John McCain N. Romney Ron Paul romney Ronald Regan Not impressed with any thompson Hillary Clinton Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney Dennis Kucinich Thompson Romney ANYONE but Hillary!!!! undecided Not sure yet, but undoubtedly a Republican for sure. romney or rudi Ron Paul Fred Thompson Tancredo or Paul Guiliani Romney John McCain Ron Paul NONE OF THE PEOPLE RUNING ON EITHER SIDE HAVE IMPRESSED ME ENOUGH TO VOTE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. Rudy Guiliani I am not sure any of them Rudy Guilliani Rudy Rudy Giuliani A DEMOCRAT Not yet decided Hillary Clinton not sure. I am not thrilled with any of the candidates. Anyone but Hilary Clinton. Giuliani Undecieded Fred Thompson FRED THOMPSON Newt Gingrich if he were running. Next best choice, Fred Thompson. unsure Rudy Guliani John McCain not sure yet John McCain Our political process is so far gone that I have very little faith in these candidates and there ability to lead. Anyone but Hillary would be my first answer but if I had to cast a ballot it would be for Senator John McCain. Fred Thompson I don’t know. I do know that I would not vote for ANY of the Democrats currently in the mix. That leaves voting for the Republican nominee, whoever that may be. At the very least, government should be divided and the Democrats are likely to strengthen their hold on the US Senate and the US House, as it stands right now. Mitt Rommney the former mayor of NYC DUM QUESTION? NO ONE WHAT FOR BUSH THAT IS DAFINATE Fred Thompson Giuliani ? No opinion (yet). Mitt Romney Rudy Guilliani Have no idea! Hillary Clinton No democrats are worth considering…. and the Republicans are weak candidates…If the election were tomorrow, I’d vote for fred thompson, but I’m not real comfortable that he is the best option, so far in the campaign. Rudy Guiliani Rudy Giuliani Rudy undecided Mike Huckabee I don’t have adequate info for this, but if had to pick one I would vote Gulliani. fred thompson gulianni Anyone except Hillary OBAMA Mitt Romney Democrat – not sure who yet. Rudolph Guilani Romney Hillary Clinton Mike Huckabee it’s a real Hobson’s choice; anyone but Hillary ME Guilliani Romney Hillary Clinton A Republican – don’t know who yet. NO one Rudy Giuliani john mccain Too early to tell. Rudy Guliania rudy guiliane undecided Fred Thompson Either Dennis Kucinich or Bill Richardson Joe Biden This is a private matter clinton Guliani Romney McCain Anyone but Hillary Clinton or Obama. Fred Thompson Donald Duck – I do not see a viable candidate for either party. None of the Democratic candidates Clinton Romney Rudy |
108 |
(skipped this question) | 11 |
24. In what part of Pennsylvania is your business located?
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Northwest PA | 13.7% | 18 |
Southwest PA | 7.6% | 10 |
Northcentral PA | 6.1% | 8 |
Altoona/Johnstown | .0.% | 0 |
Southcentral/Harrisburg | 26.7% | 35 |
Southeastern PA | 23.7% | 31 |
Lehigh Valley | 3.8% | 5 |
Northeastern PA | 18.3% | 24 |
Total Respondents | 131 | |
(skipped this question) | 15 |
25. Which category best describes your position at the business in which your work:
Response Percent |
Response Percent |
Owner | 58.0% | 76 |
CEO/COO/CFO | 21.4% | 28 |
State manager | 0.0% | 0 |
Local Manager | 11.5% | 15 |
DON’T KNOW/REFUSED | 3.1% | 4 |
Partner employee Director of Human Resources engineer general manager Vice Presdient HR Administrator |
6.1% | 4 |
Total Respondents | 131 | |
(skipped this question) | 15 |