F&M Poll: Corbett Postitive 25%
Franklin & Marshall College Poll
The 22nd year of consecutive polling in Pennsylvania
Below are the highlights of the May 2013 Franklin & Marshall College Poll of Pennsylvania voters.
Complete results can be found at http://politics.fandm.edu.
The May 2013 Franklin & Marshall College Poll of Pennsylvania voters:
Governor Tom Corbett: Gov. Tom Corbett’s job performance remains low (25%), with little change from February (26%). His job performance continues to be lower than the two previous governors’ rating at this time in their terms.
Senator Pat Toomey: Senator Toomey’s favorability ratings have increased since February, rising to 35% favorable from 26% favorable.
State Priorities (mean on a one to ten scale):
Highest priorities:
• Help create new jobs (8.9)
• Improve the state’s economy (8.9)
Lowest priorities:
• Privatize the lottery (3.6)
• Privatize the state liquor stores (4.9)
Policy Issue: State Liquor Store Privatization:
• A plurality (47%) of the state’s registered voters supports selling the state-owned liquor stores to private companies, which is significantly lower than it was in February (53%). Support for selling the state stores has declined from February among both Republicans (54%, down from 61%) and Democrats (41%, down from 48%).
• The number, however, that strongly oppose rose from 24% to 31% since February.
• Despite support for the liquor stores sales, more registered voters believe the state-owned liquor stores should continue as they are (31%) or be modernized (26%) than believe they should be sold to private companies (37%).
• If the state stores are sold, 32% believe the money should be used to assist local school districts, 26% to reduce property taxes and 17% to fund road and bridge improvements.
Policy Issue: Marijuana Legalization: A majority of voters oppose making the use of marijuana legal, 38% favor to 54% oppose, but 82% favor the use of marijuana for medical reasons if prescribed by a doctor (82% favor to 16% oppose).
Policy Issue: Legalizing Same-sex Relationship: A majority of voters continue to favor allowing gays and lesbians to legally marry (54% favor to 41% oppose).
This survey reflects interviews with 526 Pennsylvania voters conducted by the Center for Opinion Research at Franklin & Marshall College from April 30-May 5, 2013 (sample error of +/- 4.3 percentage points).
The Franklin & Marshall College Poll is produced in conjunction with the Philadelphia Daily News, WGAL-TV (South Central PA), Pittsburgh Tribune Review, WTAE-TV (Pittsburgh), WPVI-TV6/ABC (Philadelphia), Times-Shamrock Newspapers, Harrisburg Patriot-News, and Lancaster Newspapers. It may be used in whole or in part, provided any use is attributed to Franklin & Marshall College.
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