Getting to Know the Facts on Common Core
In the debate over Common Core, there seem to be more questions than answers.
Parents, teachers and taxpayers consistently receive either carefully crafted
talking points or outright stonewalling when they ask legitimate questions about
this experimental and expensive educational "reform".
What happens to our schools when the goal of our educational system moves from
enlightening a child to reaching a government mandated standard?
Is it possible to mandate that every child learn the same information to a pre-set level on a pre-set schedule?
How are the standards implemented in a Common Core classroom?
How does Common Core affect the evaluation of our children, and our teachers?
Are the high-stakes Common Core assessments really valid and reliable?
Is there an educational data system, collecting information on our children?
What do the words "college and career-ready" actually mean for the education of our kids?
Are the standards truly rigorous, or is that word just a marketing technique?
These questions need real answers, not marketing talking points.
And in a new series of hard-hitting videos, Dr. Peg Luksik gives them to us, using actual research and the government’s own documents.
Should Our Children Be Standardized? shows us what happens, at the classroom level, when local schools attempt to implement this flawed approach to education.
Invalid and Unreliable: The Flawed Testing of Common Core uses examples from the
tests themselves to show how the results of these assessment range from meaningless scores to outright discrimination.
Pennsylvania and the Common Core State Standards uses documents from the
Pennsylvania Department of Education itself to disprove their claims that
Pennsylvania is not implementing the Common Core and that Pennsylvania does not have a data base on our children.
New York State and the Common Core State Standards, uses New York Department of
Education documents to explain why state assessment results dropped so dramatically,and why the problems are not just "poor implementation".
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