John Fund to Speak at PLC
April 16, 2013
CONTACT: Lowman Henry
(717) 671-0776
[email protected]
John Fund of National Review
to speak at 2013 PA Leadership Conference
(Harrisburg, PA) – John Fund, national affairs columnist for National Review and a Fox News analyst will be a featured speaker at the 2013 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference being held Friday and Saturday (April 19-20) at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), Pennsylvania.
Mr. Fund is part of an all-star line-up of speakers set to address the conference which is the premier gathering of conservatives each year in Pennsylvania. Announced speakers include Steve Hayes of Fox News/The Weekly Standard; pollster/commentator Scott Rasmussen; Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint; Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli; FrackNation producer Ann McElhinney, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, Governor Tom Corbett, L. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center; Political analyst John Gizzi; Congressman Scott Perry; and Congressman Keith Rothfus.
Panel topics include sessions on Broadening the Conservative Coalition, Unleashing the Economic Potential of Penn’s Woods, Freedom to Work, a State Issues Roundtable, and a Conservative Faces of the Future panel. There will also be three workshop sessions focusing on Using Social Media; 10th Amendment and States’ Rights; and Citizen Lobbying. The conference begins at 9:00 A.M. on Friday, April 19th with the social media and constitutional workshop sessions and ends at 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, April 20th with the session on citizen lobbying.
John Fund is National Affairs Columnist for National Review magazine and an on-air analyst on the Fox News Channel. He is considered a notable expert on American politics and the nexus between politics and economics.
He previously served as a columnist and editorial board member for The Wall Street Journal. He is the author of several books, including Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy (Encounter Books, 2012) and The Dangers of Regulation Through Litigation (ATRA Press, 2008). He worked as a research analyst for the California Legislature in Sacramento before beginning his journalism career as a reporter for the syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak.
Roll Call, the newspaper of Capitol Hill, called him "the Tom Paine of the modern Congressional reform movement." He has won awards from the Institute for Justice, The School Choice Alliance and the Warren Brooks award for journalistic excellence from the American Legislative Exchange Council.
Registration for the 2013 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is now open at