Josh Shapiro Could be a Victim of October 7th

Member Group : Lincoln Institute

The American Left, united by a common cultural Marxist ideology, generally walks in lockstep. Rare indeed is the occasion when anyone strays from the playbook hewing closely to both general principles and specific stances on the issues.

And so it is that the Left’s deeply divided reaction to the October 7th attack on Israel by the Gaza-based terror group Hamas is a stark anomaly. The Jewish vote has long been the province of Democrats, but so too have been Arab-Americans. Given the dynamics in the mid-east it is a coalition that was destined to fracture.

Fracture it has, and in a big way. Israel’s war to eradicate Hamas and to free the hostages taken during their brutal assault has prompted a wave of Left-wing protests unseen since the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. While many, including President Joe Biden, have attempted to straddle the fence others have taken sides. Notably Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senator John Fetterman has been an outspoken defender of Israel while the so-called “squad” of ultra-Left wing members of congress sided with Hamas.

Last week, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Washington, D.C. to address a joint session of congress pro-terrorist demonstrations hit a fever pitch. The demonstrators defaced statues and public buildings. They tore down an American flag flying in from of historic Union Station and replaced it with the flag of Hamas.

It is clear neither the protestors – nor the deep divide over the Israeli-Hamas war – are going away anytime soon.

The impact on the U.S. Presidential election is going to be profound. And it creates the most treacherous minefield for presumptive Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden has walked a tightrope, in the process alienating both sides. Harris is seen as much more likely to stray from support of Israel.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is reportedly on the short list of candidates being considered by Harris for the Democratic vice presidential nomination. On the face of it Governor Shapiro would seem to bring much to the ticket. Pennsylvania is a must win state for both Harris and GOP nominee Donald Trump and as a governor with high popularity ratings Shapiro’s presence on the ticket could tilt Penn’s Woods into the Democrat column.

Shapiro is Jewish. As might be expected he has been a staunch defender of Israel. His candidacy would go a long way toward shoring up the Jewish vote for the Democratic ticket. Prior to October 7th that would have been a net plus. But, his climb up the political ladder could become the latest victim of the current conflict.

If Harris were to tab Shapiro as her running mate the reaction from the pro-Hamas Left will be instant, visceral, and violent. Protesters are already organizing for massive demonstrations at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The presence of Shapiro on the ticket will further energize the mob leading to what Democrats fear most – a rerun of the 1968 Chicago convention violence that doomed Hubert Humphrey’s candidacy.

Governor Shapiro is also taking fire from some of the most powerful elements of the Left notably supporters of teacher unions. Shapiro has given lip service to empowering parents and students with school choice options. This is heresy in Democratic circles. Here Shapiro has laid a trap of his own making. He has talked a good game on school choice, but has utterly failed to produce any tangible results. Like Biden on the Israel-Hamas issue, Shapiro’s delicate dance on school choice has won him no friends, only enemies on both sides.

And while Shapiro could help the Democratic ticket win in Pennsylvania it most likely will end any chances for Democrats to win in Michigan which has a large Arab-American population already dissatisfied with the Biden-Harris Administration. Harris must run the table on Michigan-Pennsylvania-Wisconsin, but Trump need only carry one to have a plausible path to an electoral majority.

Aside from selecting a running mate capable of assuming the presidency at a moment’s notice, the most important qualification of a candidate for vice president is to do no harm. Rarely do vice presidential candidates make a substantial positive difference in the election, but they can inflict harm.

(For a glimpse at the history of the vice presidency click HERE:

Josh Shapiro has been running for president since play school. Absent the events of October 7th this could have been the year for him to debut on the national stage. But, now his candidacy would bring risks – not only to the 2024 presidential ticket but to his own ambitions for the nation’s highest office.

(Lowman S. Henry is Chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly Lincoln Radio Journal and American Radio Journal. His e-mail address is [email protected].)

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