Kelly Pidgeon and Gun Rights to Take Center Stage at 2024 PA Leadership Conference
Vivek Ramaswamy, Dinesh D’Souza, John Gizzi, Mary Beth Martin,
Mary Katherine Ham to Headline Premier Conservative Event of the Year
(Harrisburg, PA) – Kelly Pidgeon, Pennsylvania State Director, and Northeast Regional Director of Women for Gun Rights will discuss protecting our Second Amendment Rights at the 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held this Thursday thru Saturday, April 4-6, 2024, at the Penn Harris Hotel & Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), PA.
Best-selling author and award-winning filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza will be the Featured Dinner Speaker. The PLC is pleased to welcome Vivek Ramaswamy as this year’s Special Guest Speaker.
John Gizzi of Newsmax will be the conference breakfast speaker and will then be joined by Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring USA, Dr. Paul Kengor, editor-in-chief of the American Spectator, and Jeff Lord a Newsmax and American Spectator contributor for the annual State of the Conservative Movement panel.
Additional speakers include Thomas D. Homan who was Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the Trump Administration, state Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman, Heritage Foundation President Kevin D. Roberts, Pennsylvania State Treasurer Stacy Garrity, Daniel Garza of the LIBRE Initiative, commentator Mary Catherine Ham, Congressman Scott Perry, U.S. Senate candidate David McCormick, Pastor Joshua Robertson of Black Pastors United for Education, Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots, Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition, U.S. Representative Dan Meuser, and Adam Brandon of FreedomWorks.
The 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held April 4-6, 2024 at the Penn Harris Hoten & Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), Pennsylvania will include four policy panel presentations including: A Legislature Divided, moderated by Greg Moreland from the National Federation of Independent Business-PA; Securing Pennsylvania’s Energy Future, moderated by Carl Marrara of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association; Data Driven Approach to Mobilizing Millions, moderated by Emily Greene from Americans for Prosperity-PA; and Pregnancy Centers: Protecting Pregnancy Help Statewide moderated by Cheryl Allen from the Pennsylvania Family Institute.
Republican candidates for Pennsylvania Attorney General, York County District Attorney David Sunday and State Representative Craig Williams, will participate in a Policy Forum during the 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference. The forum will be moderated by Alex Halper Senior Vice President for Government Affairs at the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry.
The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premier gathering of public policy conservatives each year in the Keystone State. It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists, and activists for three days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops, and networking.
Registration for the 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is NOW OPEN at The Early Bird discount rate is built into the registration so there is no need to enter a discount code as it will be automatically applied. (The PLC web site also includes a brief video tutorial to help you navigate Cvent.)
Kelly Pidgeon is a retired health care executive, small business owner, community volunteer, wife, and mother.
She is a credentialed firearms instructor under several organizations and her company, Armed and Feminine, LLC, was born in 2015 to bring the world of firearms training to women and has trained nearly 3,000 women and youth.
Kelly is very active in advocacy for and education of the Second Amendment. As the Pennsylvania State Director, and Northeast Regional Director of Women for Gun Rights, she actively works with legislators on all levels about 2A issues, as well as educating at regional and national conferences.
Kelly holds Master and Bachelor degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and is an ATHENA award recipient.
The 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will include an expanded menu of workshop opportunities. Please note that admission to the workshops is INCLUDED in the conference registration fee and no additional registration is required. A complete description of each workshop along with information on the workshop presenters is available at
Workshops to be presented on
Thursday, April 4th from 9 A.M. until 4 P.M. include:
Leadership Institute
Grassroots Lobbying
The Real Nature of Politics
Grow Your Organization
Engaging With School Boards
Messaging to the Middle
Voter Registration
Freedom Works
Navigating Political Divisions: Innovative Strategies for Grassroots Leaders to Expand their Base in a Polarized Climate
Save Our States
State Action: Protect Elections, Stop the CCP, Save the Constitution
American Majority
Five Steps to a Successful 2024
Workshops to be presented on
Friday, April 5th from 8 AM until 11 AM:
Pennsylvania Family Institute
Books, Bongs & Abortion: Protecting Children from the Left’s Agenda in PA.
CO2 Coalition
Indoctrination or Science? The State of Science Education in America and Pennsylvania
Americans for Prosperity
Building an Effective Grassroots Operation
Register for the 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference TODAY at