New Year, New Taxes in Pennsylvania

Member Group : Commonwealth Foundation

By Elizabeth Stelle

The new year is always a great opportunity to shed vices like smoking and binge eating. For state and local lawmakers, their guilty pleasure tends to involve overspending and sticking taxpayers with the bill. If Pennsylvania lawmakers thought to quit this dirty habit in 2025, they are off to a bad start.

Four of Pennsylvania’s five most populous counties can expect increased property taxes. From Cumberland County’s modest 4% hike to Lackawanna’s whopping 33% tax increasemore than 5 million Pennsylvanians will pay higher county taxes in 2025.

Allegheny County will see the biggest hike. The county executive pitched an astonishing 47% property tax increase, which the county council negotiated down to 36%. Compromise in politics is always appreciated, but public officials must do better than double-digit tax hikes.

Read the entire article HERE: New Year, New Taxes in Pennsylvania | RealClearPennsylvania