NFIB Praises Employee Leave Act
National Federation of Independent Business • 225 State Street, Suite B • Harrisburg, PA 17101 • 717/232-8582 • Fax: 717/232-4098
CONTACT: Suzanne Stoltenberg 717-232-8582 x1 [email protected]
NFIB Praises State Senate for Voting to Limit Local Laws on Employee Leave
Patchwork of laws create unfair playing field for small business
HARRISBURG (April 14, 2015) — The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Pennsylvania’s largest small-business group with 15,000 members, praises the state Senate for passing SB 333 which would pre-empt local governments from mandating paid leave requirements on private business. The bill would prevent a patchwork of different rules around the Commonwealth from creating an unfair playing field. The cost of mandated leave requirements are often considerable, particularly for smaller employers and new businesses.
"NFIB does not oppose paid leave and in fact, many of our members offer that benefit. But when government makes it mandatory there are big costs for many small businesses", said Neal Lesher, Legislative Director of NFIB/PA.
"NFIB members believe that one size fits all leave mandates will increase costs, make it more difficult to hire new workers, and remove flexibility in establishing employee benefits that fit the needs of their employees.
"Some businesses simply cannot afford the additional cost of paying two employees when one is out sick. So instead they are forced to make a reduction elsewhere, which hurts employees themselves and the local economy."
"When government puts its thumb on the scale mandating what businesses must do there are winners and losers," said Lesher.
"The unintended consequence is that many smaller companies are actually flexible with their employees who suddenly need time off but by making it a law that flexibility goes away."
NFIB Pennsylvania would like to thank Senator John Eichelberger (R-Blair) for sponsoring SB 333 and for working to advance this important legislation. Similar legislation, HB184, has been introduced by Rep. Seth Grove (R-York) in the House of Representatives.
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NFIB is the nation’s leading small business association, with offices in Washington, D.C. and all 50 state capitals. Founded in 1943 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, NFIB gives small and independent business owners a voice in shaping the public policy issues that affect their business. NFIB’s powerful network of grassroots activists sends their views directly to state and federal lawmakers through our unique member-only ballot, thus playing a critical role in supporting America’s free enterprise system. NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses. More information is available online at