PA Family Update: Rendell holding universities hostage for gambling expansion
Volume 5, Issue 33
October 29, 2009
The Pennsylvania Family Institute’s weekly update to concerned citizens.
Michael Geer, President
Attention: PA Family Institute has printable versions of the Family Update that can be downloaded and printed easily! Follow this link to get a 1-page version that you can hand out to your friends and family:
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Quote of the Week
"Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage." ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Pennsylvania News
Rendell Holding Universities Hostage – for Gambling Expansion. State Rep. Paul Clymer, R-Bucks, minority chairman of the House Education Committee, wrote an email to Governor Rendell calling him to account for forcing the legislature to vote to legalize table games before it releases money available for higher education. After Rendell signed the $27.8 billion budget on Oct. 9, lawmakers had yet to approve a proposal to allow table games at slots parlors. The state also allotted $730 million for universities, museums, and hospitals, but that money has been held up while lawmakers negotiate the table-games tax bills.
Reforms Are Needed in Current Gambling Law, Not Expansion! Pennsylvania Family Council and the CasinoFreePA coalition called on legislators to enact a series of common-sense "consumer protection reforms" that would defang some of the most predatory aspects of the casinos. Legislators should be acting aggressively to remove anti-consumer flaws in the legislation such as being open 24/7 with free booze, ATMs, smoking ban exemptions, personal check cashing, credit at card tables, lack of receipts and monthly statements showing gamblers’ losses and wins, etc. These amendments were offered and rejected. See how your legislators voted and let them know what you think!
Check the Roll Call Votes for the State House.
Check the Roll Call Votes for the State Senate.
Pennsylvanians Agree Courts Not the Place to Make Laws. A recent Federalist Society poll of Pennsylvania voters of varying age, race and political ideology found overwhelming majority opinions on the role of the courts in gun control, health care and same-sex relationships. Pennsylvanians believe courts are in place to interpret the laws, state judicial elections are a good thing as opposed to "merit" selection, and voters overwhelmingly agree that the voters/legislature should decide the fate of same-sex marriage/relationships, not the courts.
Be Informed with the Judicial Voters’ Guide and Vote on November 3! You will be choosing the judges on your own county’s Court of Common Pleas, a new Justice on the State Supreme Court, and new judges for the other statewide courts, the Superior and Commonwealth courts. Download the Judicial Voters’ Guide from Pennsylvania Family Institute!
God Can Use Even A Pageant Contestant. Can a pageant contestant be used by God for His purposes? Watch this interview of Carrie Prejean by her pastor, Miles McPherson. Read more…
Carrie is our featured speaker at our 20th Anniversary Friends of the Family Banquet in Lancaster on Thursday, November 19. Learn more…
Student Free to Wear ‘Abortion is not Healthcare’ T-shirt. A middle school student is temporarily free "to wear his ‘Abortion is not Healthcare’ t-shirt, and other pro-life and/or religious t-shirts," according to a federal court order issued last week. The West Shore School District agreed to the order, which also prohibits school officials from enforcing problematic policies challenged by Independence Law Center and Alliance Defense Fund attorneys after the student was prohibited from wearing the shirt because "it might insult somebody."
"We are glad that the school has so quickly come to a reasonable agreement, and we are hopeful that this case will be resolved in a way that encourages other school districts to rework their policies in a way that protects the rights of all students," says Randall Wenger, Chief Counsel of the Independence Law Center.
The Independence Law Center exists to Advance Self-Evident Truth in our world. For more information or to give financial support, visit
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National News
Obama Signs ‘Hate Crimes’ Bill Into Law. President Barack Obama has now signed into law a controversial "hate crimes" bill that authorizes the federal government to intervene in violent crimes that appear motivated by hatred of homosexuals and apply stiffer penalties and sentences. The expanded hate crime legislation extends special protection to victims of crime who are targeted by perpetrators based on an "actual or perceived" gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. The bill is dangerous to religious liberty and free speech as it provides special penalties based on what people think, feel or believe.
PFI News
White Ribbons Against Pornography Week. White Ribbon Week raises awareness about harm of pornography on families, society. It started as one woman’s public campaign more than two decades ago in Butler, PA. Download and print Church bulletin inserts or Read more.
20th Anniversary Banquet – Thursday, November 19. Don’t miss the 20th Anniversary Friends of the Family Banquet at the Lancaster Host Resort in Lancaster on Thursday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m. with keynote speaker Carrie Prejean and special guest Maggie Gallagher. Click here for details.
Spring 2010: Truth Project Training Events in April / May. Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project is a DVD based small-group study that practically and personally introduces viewers to the truth claims of God. To get started with the study and to purchase the DVDs, you must come to a training event. In Pennsylvania, there are 4 training events scheduled for April 10, April 17, May 8 and May 22. The event will prepare you to lead this innovative small-group curriculum, imparting a biblical worldview into the lives of others. Click here for more details.
Video Updates from the Independence Law Center! Learn more about the work of Randy Wenger on the Law Center YouTube Channel.
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