PA Lawmakers Enter Amnesty Fray
Representative Daryl Metcalfe
12th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Ty McCauslin
717.772.9979 /
May 11, 2015
State Legislators for Legal Immigration Files Amicus Brief
Against Obama Administration’s Ongoing Push for Backdoor Amnesty
HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania State Representative and State Legislators for Legal Immigration (SLLI) Founder Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) today announced the filing of an amicus brief to the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in support of Texas and 20 other states that have sued the federal government to prevent the Obama administration’s implementation of the Deferred Action for Parents of American and Lawful Residents (DAPA) program — more commonly known as "Executive Amnesty."
On Feb. 16, the Fifth Circuit Court placed a preliminary injunction on the implementation of the DAPA program to which the Obama administration subsequently appealed. As a result, the SLLI amicus brief was signed by coalition members in 18 states who strongly believe that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ should permanently strike down the implementation of Executive Amnesty due to the adverse impact that increasing populations of illegal aliens would have on state resources and the rule of law.
"Once again, SLLI’s most recently filed amicus brief focuses on the catch-22 scenario that individual states face due to the Obama administration’s relentless attempts to impose blanket amnesty for illegal aliens via executive order," said Metcalfe. "In U.S. v. Arizona, the U.S Supreme Court ruled that states have limited authority to protect their citizens from the adverse effects of the influx of illegal aliens. The court reached this conclusion because it assumed that the federal government would enforce immigration laws as stipulated by Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. However, as every state involved in this latest federal lawsuit is fully aware, the federal government remains AWOL in exercising its Constitutional obligation to protect every state in this Union against invasion."
Filed with the assistance of Judicial Watch, the latest SLLI amicus brief again highlights the importance of dual sovereignty between the states and the federal government, including:
• Sovereign states are entitled to protect their citizens from the effects of illegal immigration.
• The federalist structure of government does not function when one party ignores the rule of law.
• Sovereign states are not powerless when the federal government ignores its own laws.
• And, states are likely to succeed based on the merits and precedent that the federal government must comply with its own laws.
To view the amicus brief in its entirety or for more information, visit
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