PAPA Newsletter

Member Group : Conservative Reform Network

Patients And Physicians Alliance
Pennsylvania’s Voice for Tort Reform Education December 30, 2008

Please Include PAPA in your Tax Deductible Year End Contributions!
Rendell Kills the Subsidy he Created
Maternity Care Crisis Expands

Please Include PAPA in your Tax Deductible Year End Contributions!
No other organization has consistently gotten the word out about Pennsylvania’s Medical Liability Lawsuit Abuse Crisis as P.A.P.A. We’ve garnered much publicity and have built a strong coalition of physicians and patients who have come forward to share how they have personally been harmed by the crisis.
Would you do your part in helping P.A.P.A. continue to identify physicians and patients who have been harmed by Pennsylvania’s health care delivery crisis by sending a contribution in any amount you are able?
Our address is:

1332 Ritner St., Ste. 3

Philadelphia, PA 19148
Click Here to Donate Online

Physician Panelist Needed for Thoughtleadership Opportunity @ Patient Adherence Executive Congress, March 8th, Phila
Frost & Sullivan, a consulting company with pharmaceutical industry clients, is holding its 4th Annual Patient Adherence Congress March 5th, 2009 at the Union League in Philadelphia.
The event is by invitation only, and attracts an audience of 35 – 50 pharmaceutical industry Vice Presidents and Directors who are seeking real approaches to drive patient medication adherence programs to a higher level of demonstrable and sustainable success.
This year’s event brings deeper perspectives from all stakeholders influencing adherence, including the pharma industry, payers, providers, and pharmacists. The event organizer is seeking a physician in the area to join a panel discussion and share thoughtleadership and their current experiences to improve medication adherence, best practices, insights, and lessons learned.
For further information, contact Joanne Pilger, Frost & Sullivan – [email protected] or 631-423-0354.

Visit our Friends

Protect yourself from Frivolous Lawsuits!

Doctors Free to Leave PA

• Rendell Kills the Subsidy he Created
Mcare relief and the Mcare abatement was terminated after Governor Rendell tried to force the Legislature to tie the subsidy to his statewide insurance plan.
This means physicians who accepted the Mcare abatement during 2007 are free to leave the state after Thursday, December 31, 2008.
Doctors who remain in Pennsylvania will expose their careers, businesses, and families to much greater risk and potentially devastating loss.
Where do we go without Mcare?
From the onset, P.A.P.A. has argued that rather than force doctors to accept taxpayer funded subsidies, Governor Rendell and the General Assembly should support meaningful reforms that would keep frivolous lawsuits out of the court systems.
Unfortunately, organized medicine, to include the Pennsylvania Medical Society, embraced Mcare as a solution, and in fact, supported the Governor’s attempt to tie the subsidy to universal health coverage. This sent a false message to our elected officials that all is well in health care.
As a result, physicians are now in greater jeopardy and patients will pay the ultimate price.
We are now at a juncture where we can fight for the restoration of Mcare — which has no certainty of surviving from one year to the next — or instead fight for meaningful legal reforms that will put an end to rampant lawsuit abuse.
P.A.P.A. continues to urge Pennsylvania physicians to call their state representatives and state senators to demand legal reforms rather than taxpayer funded subsidies.
Those reforms include capping non-economic damages on medical liability jury awards as well as capping attorney contingency fees.
This is our best opportunity for reform. Will we stand by and let the politicians continue to play games…or will we stand up and win the reforms other states enjoy?
To learn how you can get involved call P.A.P.A. today at 215-271-9590.

• Maternity Care Crisis Expands
Philadelphia’s maternity care crisis has expanded beyond the Northeast and past the City limits.
Last month, Chestnut Hill Hospital closed its Maternity Unit. This month, two more suburban hospitals closed their Labor and Delivery rooms.
Click here for an article published in the Evening Bulletin that tells the story…

:: [email protected]

:: 215-271-9590