Should a Candidate’s Faith Be An Issue?
Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith remains a frequent news item as the 2012 election
cycle grinds on. Not long ago, a Texas evangelist called Mormonism a cult and
has since been sharply criticized for stating his views. On Halloween, CNN
Today ran a segment that scrutinized Romney’s time as a Mormon missionary in
France at the age of 20. Polls show, however, that 80 percent of those
questioned would not object to voting for Romney because he is a Mormon. Thus,
the question remains: "Should a candidate’s faith be an issue when you vote?"
There is a two-part answer to this question—one simple, the other a bit more
complex. As to the first part, the Constitution of the United States speaks to
this question, though no major figure or news outlet (to my knowledge) has
spoken about it recently. The last clause of Article 6, Section 3 of the
Constitution states: "No religious test shall ever be required [italics mine]
as a Qualification to any Office or Public Trust under the United States." This
means at a minimum that any law or custom requiring an office-holder to be of a
specific religious affiliation would be unconstitutional. The Article 6
prohibition extends to governmental appointments as well.
Thus, obviously, it would be unconstitutional to require that an office-holder,
by any means, be a Christian. Of course, as a private citizen, one can choose
to not vote for someone who is or is not a Christian; or likewise for a Mormon.
Some conservative Christian leaders are urging their followers to abstain from
voting for Romney or for any other Mormon public officials, such as Harry Reid,
Orrin Hatch, and Jon Huntsman.
Religious freedom provided for in the First Amendment’s religion
clause—"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
[that means a state-sponsored church], or prohibit the free exercise
thereof"—is enhanced by a serious honoring of the "no-test-for-office" clause
in Article 6. Citizens who value religious freedom should be sobered by this
While a candidate’s personal religious beliefs cannot be a test for holding
office, I suggest another test as a qualification for office holding—personal
It’s true that we live in what many now call a "postmodern age," which results
in many issues being a matter of "personal taste" or opinion. Everything is
judged relative to situations and circumstances. This contravenes a Great
American tradition of devotion to the Ten Commandments with their moral
The point here is that voters should demand a return to the high moral
standards of the Ten Commandments not only for themselves but especially for
holders of public office. Of course, public officials should not be expected to
lead flawless moral lives. No one does. Covering up mistakes—called "sins" in
times past—has always made human failures a cause for stronger criticism than
the sin itself. Witness Richard Nixon and recently John Edwards.
Most would agree that Mormons in general possess high levels of moral
character. Many Mormon public office-holders, with a senatorial exception or
two over the years, have performed at a higher level of honesty and integrity
than many claiming to be Christians or Jews or Muslims or other faiths.
In sum, it would be wise for conservative Christians to lay aside the Mormon
issue as the principal test at election time—given Article 6 of the
Constitution. It would be even wiser to inquire about Romney’s ethical
practices. Romney undoubtedly would be the first to say that he is not perfect.
It seems that he strives to meet the requirements of the Ten Commandments,
which Mormons inherit from the Christian Scriptures. Because there can be no
religious test for office, the preferred office-holder must be a person of good
character and integrity. Good character, which includes high ethical standards,
probably can be derived only from one thing—a sturdy religious faith.
Mitt Romney may not be my personal choice for president in 2012, but his moral
integrity surely commends him for high office.
Consider this final thought: Mitt Romney holds high office in his church. His
church publishes a list of Articles of Faith. One of the articles states: "We
believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good
to all men." These are standards Romney has promised to uphold. The nation
would be well served if all candidates held themselves to such standards.
— Dr. L. John Van Til is a fellow for law & humanities with [2]The Center for
Vision & Values at Grove City College.
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