Stephen Moore to Keynote PLC Luncheon

Member Group : PA Leadership Conference

January 12, 2016

For Immediate Release
Contact: Lowman S. Henry
(717) 671-0776
[email protected]

Stephen Moore to Keynote PLC Luncheon

(Harrisburg, PA) – Stephen Moore, Senior Economic Contributor at FreedomWorks and a Fox News contributor will be the Saturday luncheon speaker at the 2016 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held April 1-2, 2016 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), PA. Registration for the conference is now open at [L][EL].

An economic write and policy expert, Moore is known for advocating free-market policies and supply-side economics. Former President of the Club for Growth and a former writer for the Wall Street Journal editorial board, Moore is advancing public policies that increase the rate of economic growth to help the United States retain its position as the global economic superpower.

Moore will join Fox News Channel (FNC) senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano as featured speakers at the 2016 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference, which is the premiere gathering of public policy conservatives each year in the Keystone State. It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists and activists for two days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops and networking.

Over the years Stephen Moore has served as a senior economist at the Congressional Joint Economic Committee, and as a senior economics fellow at the Cato Institute, where he published dozens of studies on federal and state fiscal policy.

He was also a consultant to the National Economic Commission in 1987 and research director for President Reagan’s Commission on Privatization. Steve is a Fox News contributor along with writing regularly for the National Review, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, the Washington Times and Orange County Register.

Steve holds a master of arts in economics from George Mason University. He has authored numerous books including Who’s the Fairest of the All, It’s Getting Better All the Time, Still an Open Door and An Inquiry in the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of States.

Additional speakers, panel and workshop topics will be announced over the coming weeks.

Registration for the conference is now open at [L][EL].
