Strong Majority Want Liquor Privatization
The Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association
225 State Street Harrisburg, PA 17101
Contact: David N. Taylor
[email protected]
Latest poll demonstrates continuing public support
for getting Pennsylvania out of the booze business
June 4, 2013 (HARRISBURG, PA) — The latest poll results show strong, continuing public support for liquor privatization. Moreover, when supplementary questions were asked, support increased. Among those registered Pennsylvania voters polled by Susquehanna Polling and Research, 55 percent said they support privatization. While 41 percent of respondents were opposed, the number who would be more likely to support liquor privatization grew to just under 70 percent if penalties for selling to minors became stricter (69 percent) and if displaced workers could find jobs in the private sector (68 percent).
These results bolster privatization proponents because the current legislation being debated in the state Senate increases by tenfold penalties for selling to minors and establishes job tax-credits and training programs for PLCB retail and wholesale employees. Moreover, a recent analysis of policy changes in Washington State reveals that their privatization efforts led to a net increase in jobs and increased overall state revenues. In fact, a single privately-run distribution center created a net increase of 100 jobs (1000+ jobs) beyond the 902 jobs lost with Washington’s state liquor control board.
Most interestingly, the voters in the poll spoke loudly as 61 percent said the revenue derived from the sale of the PLCB retail and wholesale systems should fund local schools. Another 27 percent of respondents believed the money would be best utilized for transportation, while the remaining 13 percent were undecided or saw the money best spent elsewhere.
The poll was conducted from May 6-8 and had a sample size of 873 registered voters – 50 percent identified as Democrats, 39 percent as Republicans, and 11 percent as other/independent.
For full poll results, click here.
For additional information on Washington State click here.
About PMA
Founded in 1909 by Bucks County industrialist Joseph Grundy, the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association is a statewide, Harrisburg-based trade organization representing the interests of Pennsylvania’s manufacturing sector in the state’s public policy process. To learn more about PMA and its work, please visit
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