The 119th Congress Should Make Election Integrity a Top Priority
In order to allay public concerns about fraud, the new Congress must make election integrity a top priority.
Constitutionally, elections are conducted by the states which determine their “…time, place and manner…,” however, under its authority to “make or alter” state regulations, Congress can impose directives to influence, even ensure election integrity.
Among them are requirements that states clean up their voter rolls and institutionalize photo ID for federal elections.
Those requirements should not be controversial, except, of course, to those who intend to cheat – or have cheated.
A Gallup poll taken days before the 2024 presidential election revealed that, while support varied by political party, 98 percent of Republicans, 67 percent of Democrats, and 84 percent of Independents supported requiring photo ID to vote.
Gallup also reported: “Democrats are now 14 points more likely than they were in 2022 to support requiring photo identification to vote…”
Nonetheless, since there’s no contemptible depth to which they will not sink in exploiting race for partisan political purposes, ranking Democrats call voter ID “worse than Jim Crow” – a characteristically stupid, historically inaccurate, monumentally dishonest allegation.
Americans are no longer taught that post-Civil War Jim Crow laws were first enacted, then enforced and perpetuated for decades by Democrats who identified themselves as the “white man’s party” while demonizing Republicans for being “Negro dominated,” or remember that voter ID was once recommended by a bipartisan election commission chaired by late President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat.
Among other restrictions, Jim Crow laws imposed literacy tests and poll taxes to prevent blacks from voting. Making every voter confirm their identity does neither, and it’s certainly not discriminatory.
Democrats ignore that everyone, minorities included, must present ID for driving, air travel, buying alcohol, prescriptions, social security and welfare benefits, even admission to their National Conventions.
Do Democrats genuinely believe minority Americans to be incapable of getting and presenting voter ID? (Spoiler alert: they don’t. Democrats just prefer loosely-conducted, “finesse-able” elections, a/k/a, “opportunities to cheat.”)
Furthermore, Democrat operatives’ motives for opposing voter ID are consistent with the party’s opposition to making sure only U.S. citizens vote in federal elections.
According to Gallup, 83 percent of Americans supported “requiring people who are registering to vote for the first time to provide proof of citizenship. By party, 96 percent of Republicans, 66 percent of Democrats, and 84 percent of Independents agreed.
In 2024, congressional Democrats and the White House opposed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a measure that would require documentary proof of citizenship to vote for president and members of Congress.
Illegals voting in federal elections is already against the law, but laws against crossing the border illegally haven’t stopped illegal entries, so laws lacking documentary proof of citizenship are unlikely to be any more effective.
Democrats know it is difficult to track false claims of citizenship, and the administration is already allowing unvetted migrants to lie in order to receive asylum status.
The Biden administration received cover from corporate media in asserting that foreign nationals – including illegal aliens – are rarely caught voting in federal elections, but, public suspicions and concerns remain. That’s why U.S. voters overwhelmingly support prohibitions on noncitizens voting in federal elections.
In a statement opposing the SAVE Act, the White House said, “The President has been clear: he will continue fighting to protect Americans’ sacred right to vote in free, fair, and secure elections.”
But, without documented proof of citizenship, how “free, fair, and secure” can federal elections be?
In fact, welfare offices and other agencies in multiple states are providing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship.
Under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as the “motor voter law,” registrants may simply check a box on the federal form affirming they are U.S. citizens and meet other eligibility requirements. Democrats prefer an “honor” system for affirmation – presumably the same “honor” system that “prevents” foreign nationals from entering or remaining in the country illegally.
The likely motives for the Biden administration’s open border policies aren’t lost on anyone who has been paying attention.
Free, fair and secure elections are essential for maintaining a functioning society, so the new Congress has an obligation to ensure election integrity and reserve voting rights for U.S. citizens by requiring and enforcing photo ID and documentary proof of citizenship.