The Broken Politics of Allegheny County

Member Group : Guest Articles

By Douglas Heuck

A couple of weeks ago, I was on vacation in Michigan, walking down a path to collect my dog, when two old friends said hello from a cottage porch. One, from Cincinnati, gets the magazine and asked what the subject of my next column would be.

I told him I was writing about the November election in Allegheny County and how important it would be. I told them, “In the last five years, the county has lost 50,000 jobs — five times more than any other Pennsylvania county. Our labor force is actually shrinking and we have the highest natural population decline — that’s more deaths than births — of any metro area in the country. Way more than anywhere else.

“We desperately need good leadership, but it’s a one-party town — Democrat — and the whole place is being turned over to Progressives. I think it’s a disaster, and I don’t believe they’re representative of the population. But not only are they way over on one side, they don’t have experience leading anything. No matter, the Democrats vote the party line — like lemmings.”

Read the article here: