Tommey Reacts to Netanyahu Speech
For Immediate Release: March 3, 2015
Contact: E.R. Anderson (202) 224-8609
Toomey Reaction to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech To Congress
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) made the following statement after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.
"Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu made a powerful and persuasive case. I have long said the Obama administration has been much too weak on Iran, endangering our country and the security of the world. I am very concerned that a bad deal with Iran is in the works. We should re-impose tough economic sanctions against Iran as soon as possible, and it will be critically important for Congress to vote on any nuclear deal. We need a deal that truly stops Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, and failing to do so would be disastrous."
Elizabeth "E.R." Anderson
Communications Director
U.S Senator Pat Toomey
248 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510