Young People: Vote Your Best Interests

Member Group : Jerry Shenk

Kids, you’re screwed!

The government does not have “its own money” to give. But lots of you bought – still buy – that fantasy.

Government only takes – and redistributes.

Private ownership is at risk in America.

Democratic socialists” think that what you own isn’t really yours until the government says it is – an always revocable concession – that your stuff exists only as instruments of “social justice” and to feed an ever-growing leviathan state.

If Americans want government to stop taking their stuff, they must force government to spend less money.

But, kids, your money has already been spent. Never mind that you haven’t yet earned very much – or any.

The government has already saddled every person living in the U.S with more than $90,000 of national debt (more than $31 trillion total – and counting), the payments on which will still be coming due after more generations are born, begin to work or pay taxes. This is not merely a financial matter, because there is a moral as well as legal obligation to repay debts.

Accordingly, the debt with which our political class has pre-burdened future generations is immoral on its face.

Colonial Americans fought taxation without representation. The unborn clearly can’t, but every living American should be fighting on their behalf – and their own.

Nonetheless, many young people vote against their own best interests.

Conventional wisdom has it that President(ish) Joe Biden’s liberal agenda is based on broad support from young, hip, pop-culture-savvy Americans. However, in their economic manifestations, the president’s policies that preserve unsustainable status quos on immigration, among others, and programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are distinctly anti-youth and, in some cases, reactionary.

Un- and underemployment are common among early-twenty-somethings, especially those holding degrees in soft subjects, much higher among young blacks and Hispanics. For people 25-34, underemployment outside their specialties remains high.

Repaying the massive debt run up by America’s political class will inevitably result in decades of budget cuts, inflation and higher taxes. As they try to buy homes and raise children while still servicing student loans, today’s inattentive youngsters will eventually realize they’ve been had, and resent the burden of repaying debts incurred by their antecedents. In fact, even if implemented, the administration’s arguably-illegal student loan “relief” scheme will only fuel inflation, immorally burden workers who repaid theirs or never enrolled, and drive up the future costs of higher education.

Kids, if you saved the “birthday” bucks grandma gave you last year, Bidenflation has already substantially reduced their buying power.

Simple math raises questions about why a generation facing an indifferent job market while carrying as much or more student loan debt than America’s total credit-card debt still accepts the left’s incessant appeals for higher taxes, greater spending and opposition to sensible reforms of Social Security and Medicare. If entitlements are not reformed, the escalating costs of guaranteeing their solvency will fall on a so-far-compliant young generation already carrying large personal debts, while dealing with brutal inflation on modest incomes.

The president’s economy has sent his approval ratings underwater. A majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s economic “management.” We’re approaching the harshest downturn since the Great Depression. Relentless inflation is forcing more Americans to take second jobs just to get by.

Kids, take notice: Mr. Biden has very little left with which to distract you from his dismal record – a record on which he couldn’t possibly run for re-election – and from the fact that that he has primed America for an economic crisis.

So, in the hope that its “legacy” will not be limited to the damage Biden has done to the nation and, especially, America’s young people, his administration and vulnerable elected Democrats are replaying the same tired schtick that originally appealed to young voters: bribery, social issues and empty promises.

With Democrats’ insistence on more of the same, inflation and the economy are unlikely to improve anytime soon, so they have launched an all-out culture war focused on abortion, gun control and LGBTQ “rights.”

Don’t fall for it, kids. Don’t be distracted. Keep your eyes on your futures. Hold Washington politicians accountable for the catastrophic financial mess they are handing your generation. Before you vote, identify and then elect better, more principled people with genuine political courage.

Be smart. Be part of the backlash. Vote your best interests.